Wellness Webinars

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Previous Webinars

Healthcare > Wellness webinar by Firstbeat for Webinar: Good Or Bad Stress? Utilizing Firstbeat Life to Understand Your Client’s Wellness Status
Webinar: Good Or Bad Stress? Utilizing Firstbeat Life to Understand Your Client’s Wellness Status
Learn from practical real-life examples how physiological data can be used to understand your client's stress-recovery balance and get a better picture of their wellness status. In this webinar, we will discuss “good” and “bad” stress, highlighting the idea that it’s not stress itself that is typically a problem but the inability to recover from excessive overall load.
2/27/2024 2:00 PM
Healthcare > Wellness webinar by Via for Achieving sustainable employment & better outcomes for people
Achieving sustainable employment & better outcomes for people
Launch of evaluation into Via's IPS service by University of Strathclyde.
by Via
2/26/2024 12:00 PM
Healthcare > Wellness webinar by Badger Talks for Wellness Talks - Mindfulness, Stress and Social Connection
Wellness Talks - Mindfulness, Stress and Social Connection
In challenging times, stress and anxiety can become overwhelming, especially when combined with decreased social connection. Research on mindfulness, however, tells us that we already have the resources and fundamental capacities to transform the kind of toxic stress that we may be facing, and we can do so in part by developing a different relationship with the kinds of thoughts that produce negative stress. In this talk, we learn about how certain forms of stress arise from our thoughts, and how simple mindfulness practices can prove helpful. We will also examine the relationship between social connectivity and our ability to manage stress, and how the style of awareness cultivated through mindfulness practices can enhance our sense of social connection.
1/16/2024 6:00 PM
Healthcare > Wellness webinar by The AMR Narrative for The voice of survivors in AMR awareness and advocacy
The voice of survivors in AMR awareness and advocacy
This webinar will focus on giving survivors a voice in the awareness and advocacy for antimicrobial resistance. Join us to hear inspiring stories and learn how we can work together to combat this global health threat.
11/21/2023 3:00 PM
Healthcare > Wellness webinar by Culture Reframed for The Impact of Pornography on Young People: Research, Practice, & Solutions
The Impact of Pornography on Young People: Research, Practice, & Solutions
Culture Reframed’s virtual conference will address the many harms of pornography to children with a focus on child sexual abuse. Experts from multiple fields will share emerging research and first-hand experience identifying pornography consumption as a driver of child sexual abuse.
11/16/2023 3:00 PM
Healthcare > Wellness webinar by WebMD for What to Know About Psoriasis
What to Know About Psoriasis
In this webinar, you'll learn about the causes of psoriasis, lifestyle choices to improve quality of life, health problems related to psoriasis, latest treatments, and how to choose the right treatment. The webinar will be presented by George Han, MD, PhD, an expert in psoriasis and other skin conditions.
by WebMD
11/9/2023 6:00 PM
Healthcare > Wellness webinar by Vitafoods Insights for Healthy Ageing
Healthy Ageing
Consumers worldwide are seeking ways to enhance longevity and quality of life, recognising that healthy ageing is a complex process influenced by various factors. With the global ageing population continually rising, consumers of all ages are increasingly aware of nutrition's role in healthy ageing. According to Innova Market Insights, individuals aged 26 to 55 associate healthy ageing with optimal dietary habits and improving quality of life1. This highlights the potential impact of healthy ageing globally, not just on personal well-being but also economic growth. This Vitafoods Insights insightful webinar will delve into the topic of healthy ageing and explore its potential within the nutraceutical industry. We will cover consumer insights, market trends, challenges, opportunities for product development, including its challenges. Join this webinar to gain valuable insights on how to develop and market products that cater to the unique needs of ageing consumers. 
11/7/2023 10:00 AM
Healthcare > Wellness webinar by Australian Breathwork College for How To Make Money & Serve People with Breathwork
How To Make Money & Serve People with Breathwork
We are excited to invite you to an exclusive event: "How To Make Money & Serve People with Breathwork." On the 2nd of November 7:30pm DST. This invaluable session is designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to create a thriving Breathwork business while making a positive impact on humanity. During this event, you will learn how to: • Unlock Financial Abundance • Be of Service to Humanity • Increase Your Client Base • Elevate Your Fees Confidently • Build a Thriving Breathwork Business Don't miss this opportunity to tap into the immense potential of Breathwork and make a lasting impact. Register now to secure your spot!⏬
11/2/2021 7:30 PM

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