Legal Webinars

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Business > Legal webinar by Forvis Mazars for RESPA Section 8 Compliance - Understanding RESPA Requirements for Avoiding Section 8 Violations
RESPA Section 8 Compliance - Understanding RESPA Requirements for Avoiding Section 8 Violations
A two-hour webinar on understanding the requirements and prohibitions of RESPA related to kickbacks, unearned fees, and affiliated business arrangements.Section 8 of RESPA prohibits kickbacks for business referrals and unearned fees. It’s easy to understand that “money under the table” is prohibited, but the rule is much more expansive than just money and covers any “thing of value.” What is a "thing of value"? What will an examiner be looking at to see if there has been an illegal referral? What is the “split” fee rule?Also, in today’s high interest rate environment, applications have decreased. One of the ways that loan officers are trying to encourage business is by entering into agreements with other providers in an attempt to cross-market each other (marketing service agreements (MSAs)), as well as purchase leads from various websites. This not only indicates potential Section 8 issues, but also may present concerns under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).Financial institutions often grapple with trying to reconcile the scope and vagueness of the rule with the complexity of real-life situations. How does an institution make sure that they are in compliance?This webinar will discuss the complete picture of Section 8 and present everyday examples that may violate Section 8 rules.WHAT YOU WILL LEARN:Which transactions are subject to Section 8Prohibition against referral feesDefinitions of “thing of value,” “referral,” and “agreement or understanding”ExamplesProhibition against split fees; ExamplesWhen gifts and promotional activities are permittedMSAs; lead generation versus referral; Potential TCPA rulesCFPB bulletins and FAQs; Other important agency bulletins, documents, and releases; and the Supreme Court interpretation of “split fee”Implications of Section 8 on business relationshipsAffiliated business arrangements and the ABA disclosurePenalties for violationsFORMAT/INSTRUCTIONAL METHOD: GROUP INTERNET-BASEDAn online presentation and any additional supplemental materials, as applicable, will serve as the basis of the presentation. You will have the option to stream the audio through your computer or dial-in using a telephone number/PIN. Ample time will be dedicated to taking questions from attendees. Be sure to submit your questions during the webinar, as we are unable to offer telephone or email support after the presentation.
7/23/2024 6:00 PM
Business > Legal webinar by Lexzur for Navigating Client Relationships: The Power of Law Firm Portals
Navigating Client Relationships: The Power of Law Firm Portals
Excited to announce our upcoming webinar! Join us as we explore how client portals revolutionize legal communication. Learn how law firms can enhance client satisfaction, streamline updates, and foster emotional engagement.
by Lexzur
7/16/2024 1:00 PM
Business > Legal webinar by EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation for Innovation & Technology Cooperation webinar series 1: Trademarks in the metaverse, perspectives from Japan and Europe
Innovation & Technology Cooperation webinar series 1: Trademarks in the metaverse, perspectives from Japan and Europe
As technological developments leap forward, an interactive digital space or metaverse is being created. With people expected to spend more time in such spaces, goods and services that are now offered in the physical world also find their way to the digital one. In this context, the present webinar aims to discuss the use of trademarks in the metaverse, exploring when and how trademark law is applicable.The webinar will focus on bringing both a Japanese and EU-perspective to the table, presenting what classes and goods are appropriate for goods and services in the metaverse, and when applying for a trademark in such classes makes sense in the first place.Speakers: Yoko Sasaki (Patent Attorney, Sonoda & Kobayashi IP Law) and Marianna Kondás (IP Cooperation Specialist, EUIPO)
Business > Legal webinar by SHLA for Legislative scrutiny in Wales - What have we learnt from the renting homes (Wales) act 2016 and what can we do next - SHLA
Legislative scrutiny in Wales - What have we learnt from the renting homes (Wales) act 2016 and what can we do next - SHLA
Join Rhea Stevens, Head of Policy and Affairs at Community Housing Cymru (CHC), Caroline Stubbs, Director of Legal Services at Pobl Group and SHLA Wales for a conversation as to how CHC and SHLA Wales can work together effectively during the passage and implementation of new legislation. Chaired by Sarah Salmon of Cornerstone Barristers on behalf of SHLA Wales, the webinar will consider the passage and implementation of RH(W), the lessons we can learn and how we might work together to prepare for new legislation on the horizon, particularly on building safety and homelessness, in this Senedd term.
5/3/2024 12:00 PM
Business > Legal webinar by International Centre for Trade Transparency – ICTTM for Arbitration of International Disputes in the Middle East - Strategies to Enhance
Arbitration of International Disputes in the Middle East - Strategies to Enhance
Arbitrating International Disputes in the Middle East: strategies for Enhancing Effectiveness The “International Dispute Arbitration in the Middle East: Strategies for Enhancing Effectiveness” a symposium is an important event aimed at exploring and discussing the challenges and opportunities of international arbitration in the Middle East region. The symposium will focus on providing valuable insights into how to enhance the effectiveness of international arbitration in the region and its role in settling international disputes. Distinguished experts and academics in the field of international arbitration will participate in the symposium, where best practices and modern strategies related to increasing the effectiveness of arbitration in the Middle East will be presented.Discussions will revolve around the following topics:1. The main challenges facing international arbitration in the region, such as enforcement issues, electronic arbitration, and investment arbitration.2. Strategies to enhance the effectiveness of international arbitration, including improving procedures and procedures and developing the necessary skills for arbitrators, lawyers, and experts.3. The role of international arbitration in settling international disputes, enhancing confidence in the region, and attracting foreign investments.Participants will have the opportunity to interact, ask questions, and share experiences with experts and speakers. The symposium aims to enhance awareness of the importance of international arbitration in the Middle East and provide practical guidance to enhance its effectiveness, in order to enhance compatibility and legal development in the region and enhance confidence in the international arbitration system.
Business > Legal webinar by International Centre for Trade Transparency – ICTTM for Proven Market Entry Strategies for Accessing Small Island Developing States
Proven Market Entry Strategies for Accessing Small Island Developing States
Culture trumps Strategy every time" and this is especially true in penetrating Small Island Developing States. What are the strategies for securing the necessary information? Who can you trust? What are the political and other pitfalls to avoid? How do I find reputable partners? Why aren’t my emails being returned? How do I deal with ethical concerns? Why is my product not being accepted in the market? Learn this and more from a “Road Warrior” of many years who will take you into the streets to get the answers you need
Business > Legal webinar by US Immigration Lawyer Services for Immigration Webinar: L1 Visa To Start A Business In USA As Foreigner
Immigration Webinar: L1 Visa To Start A Business In USA As Foreigner
Learn how to successfully secure L-1 intra-company transfer visa to start, fund and grow your business in the US. This webinar will educate you on the key challenges and strategies associated with securing New Office L-1 Visa successfully.
4/3/2024 3:00 PM
Business > Legal webinar by CompliSpace for Whistleblower Reforms: New protections and obligations
Whistleblower Reforms: New protections and obligations
Join us for our upcoming webinar on the latest reforms and changes to whistleblower laws in the aged care sector. This informative session will provide insights into the new whistleblower rules, which are set to take effect in July 2024 as part of the comprehensive changes outlined in the new Aged Care Act. During the webinar, our expert speakers will delve into the implications of these reforms for both whistleblowers and service providers in this ever-evolving landscape. You will gain a deep understanding of how these changes will impact your role and the aged care industry as a whole. Don't miss this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and ensure compliance with the upcoming changes. In this 30-minute session, we’ll cover: The current state and rules, New whistleblower rules, Expansions of whistleblower protections, What these changes mean for providers.
4/3/2024 2:00 AM
Business > Legal webinar by Advocate Capital, Inc. for Medical Malpractice Insights for Plaintiff Attorneys Webinar
Medical Malpractice Insights for Plaintiff Attorneys Webinar
Join Paul Myers, CEO & Chairman of Advocate Capital, Inc., and Catherine 'Katie' D. Bertram, attorney and partner of Bertram & Murphy, in our upcoming webinar discussing Medical Malpractice Insights for Plaintiff Attorneys.Discover strategies and tips for preparing Medical Malpractice cases, understand the evolving legal landscape, and explore practical tools for successful claims. Learn from Katie Bertram's expertise and unique background, including her experience as the Director of Risk Management at Georgetown Hospital.Speaker: Katie Bertram
3/26/2024 7:00 PM
Business > Legal webinar by JD Supra for Wage & Hour Legal Update & Best Practices for California Employers
Wage & Hour Legal Update & Best Practices for California Employers
CDF Labor Law LLP invites you to attend a complimentary one-hour and 15-minute webinar of valuable insights, updates on California wage and hour laws, and essential best practices for employers to ensure compliance and minimize potential legal risks. The webinar will cover a wide range of critical topics related to wage and hour laws in California, including recent legal developments, emerging trends, and compliance requirements.
3/20/2024 5:00 PM

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