The voice of survivors in AMR awareness and advocacy

Healthcare > Wellness11/21/2023 3:00 PM

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Join us to hear how AMR survivors advocate for awareness in this webinar. Hosted by The AMR Narrative. Learn more on WebinarCafe

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This webinar will focus on giving survivors a voice in the awareness and advocacy for antimicrobial resistance. Join us to hear inspiring stories and learn how we can work together to combat this global health threat.


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The AMR Narrative

The AMR Narrative

Founded by Vanessa Carter, a patient advocate who survived a highly-resistant MRSA infection, The AMR Narrative was set up to promote and develop advocacy capacity among the public to improve participation and mobilise action against Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). As patients and consumers, pet owners, parents or carers we play a pivotal role in advocating for the appropriate use of antimicrobial medicines. By protecting antimicrobial medicines in humans, animals, the environment and food sectors we are ensuring a more sustainable future for everyone especially those who are most vulnerable to untreatable infections.