Public Sector Webinars

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Previous Webinars

Public Sector webinar by Jamaica Plain Historical Society for 50 Years of Joyful Resistance in Jamaica Plain
50 Years of Joyful Resistance in Jamaica Plain
City Life/Vida Urbana (CLVU) will share its rich history of organizing in Boston to build the power of working class and BIPOC communities to fight for systematic change. Founded in 1973, and currently located in The Brewery, City Life is known for its anti displacement organizing, fighting unscrupulous landlords; defending families from foreclosures and evictions.
2/4/2024 7:00 PM
Public Sector webinar by FSD Africa for Investing in Resilience: Pathways to Food Security for Sudan
Investing in Resilience: Pathways to Food Security for Sudan
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1/31/2024 12:00 PM
Public Sector webinar by European Law Institute | ELI for Webinar on the ELI Interim Report on EU Consumer Law and Automated Decision-Making
Webinar on the ELI Interim Report on EU Consumer Law and Automated Decision-Making
Webinar on the ELI Interim Report on EU Consumer Law and Automated Decision-Making
1/31/2024 11:30 AM
Public Sector webinar by Austrian Institute for International Affairs for OST Group in Turkey, ECR Talks - Dr. Berfin Çakın: When Displacement Becomes Double: Reconsidering Ontological (In)Security in the Shadow of the February 2023 Earthquakes
OST Group in Turkey, ECR Talks - Dr. Berfin Çakın: When Displacement Becomes Double: Reconsidering Ontological (In)Security in the Shadow of the February 2023 Earthquakes
OST Group in Turkey presents ECR Talks featuring Dr. Berfin Çakın. The webinar will discuss the topic of ontological (in)security in the context of double displacement caused by the February 2023 earthquakes.
Public Sector webinar by Panter, Panter & Sampedro for Strategies for Dynamic Cross-Examination in Medical Malpractice Cases: Opening the door to effective legal tactics (Including 1 hour Ethics)
Strategies for Dynamic Cross-Examination in Medical Malpractice Cases: Opening the door to effective legal tactics (Including 1 hour Ethics)
In this webinar, Brett Panter will delve into the nuances of effective cross-examination of adverse witnesses, offering insights into best practices and techniques. He will also focus on the importance of thorough preparation for depositions, emphasizing the need to handle adverse parties adeptly during these sessions without prematurely shutting down their testimony. In addition to Brett Panter's insights, Al Del Risco, Mr. Panter’s lead associate, will share strategies for overcoming entry blockades in Medical Negligence cases. He will focus on opening the door to key information and navigating initial obstacles in these complex cases to ensure a strong legal foundation.
1/26/2024 4:10 PM
Libraries and Museums webinar by The Book Shepherd for Audiobooks For Every Author
Audiobooks For Every Author
3 ways to turn your book into an audiobook and get distribution from anywhere in the world. The exact microphone, equipment, and software you need to record your own audiobook. What you must know to get your audiobook approved for distribution on Audible, Amazon, and beyond. How to produce audiobooks even on a shoestring budget. Answers to your audiobook questions and a whole lot more.
1/25/2024 7:00 PM
Public Sector webinar by US Campaign for Palestinian Rights for USCPR Action Kickoff: Building a Liberated Future
USCPR Action Kickoff: Building a Liberated Future
Join us on Thursday, January 25 for a webinar to kick off USCPR Action, the new advocacy and political arm of the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights. Hear from our speakers Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, Linda Sarsour, Huwaida Arraf, and Iman Abid. We'll discuss how to push Congress to meet our demands amid growing support for Palestinian liberation, and we'll break down strategies to use in this political landscape.
1/25/2024 6:00 PM
Public Sector webinar by Association for Psychological Science - APS for PSPI Live: Developmental Science Research Informs Juvenile Justice Reform
PSPI Live: Developmental Science Research Informs Juvenile Justice Reform
The field of juvenile justice in the United States has gone through significant changes over the past 20 years thanks to its collaboration with developmental science. PSPI Live brings together the authors of a forthcoming publication in Psychological Science in the Public Interest, “Adolescent Contact, Lasting Impact? Lessons Learned from Two Longitudinal Studies Spanning 20 Years of Developmental Science Research with Justice-System Involved Youths”. Elizabeth Cauffman, a professor from University of California, Irvine, will discuss the findings from two large-scale multisite longitudinal studies with members of the Orange County Superior Court and Orange County Public Defender Office. Maria Hernandez, the Presiding Judge, Tamika Williams, the Assistant District Attorney, and Frank Davis, the Alternate Defender, will share their insights about the findings and the group will discuss the emerging need for new research, programs and policy initiatives. PSPI Editor: Nora Newcombe, Temple University
Public Sector webinar by ACAMS for ACAMS Malta Chapter January 2024 Virtual Event
ACAMS Malta Chapter January 2024 Virtual Event
Sanctions Unveiled: Understanding, Adapting, and Preventing
1/23/2024 2:00 PM
Public Sector webinar by Association of Ontario Road Supervisors for R. v. Greater Sudbury (City) Supreme Court Decision
R. v. Greater Sudbury (City) Supreme Court Decision
The Supreme Court of Canada published the long-awaited decision of R. v. Greater Sudbury (City) on November 10, 2023. This landmark decision has a significant impact on how projects are managed in Ontario municipalities by changing the framework, and the liabilities, of “owners”, “employers”, and “constructors”, on municipal projects.

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