Public Sector Webinars

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Public Sector webinar by GOV.UK for Victims Webinar: Sharing Good Practice and Available Services
Victims Webinar: Sharing Good Practice and Available Services
This webinar is an opportunity to hear from youth justice service practitioners delivering excellent services for victims of crime alongside experts in victims support for children. The presentations will provide inspiration, practice examples and an opportunity for discussion, which will enable local youth justice leaders and those working with the victims of crime to develop their services. We will look at the evidence of the needs of children who have been the victims of crime, the best examples of core practice done well and what lessons can be taken, innovative practices that could be developed and shared, and how local services can be supported and challenged to deliver the best outcomes for children. During the webinar you will hear from Victim Support, Durham YJS, Caerphilly and Blaenau Gwent YJS, and MoJ Youth Justice Policy Unit. Following each presentation there will be an opportunity for a short Q&A.
1/18/2024 1:30 PM
Libraries and Museums webinar by United States Patent and Trademark Office for Patents for Librarians
Patents for Librarians
Calling all librarians! Join us for an "introduction to patents" to become familiar with patent concepts and resources.
Public Sector webinar by Ethixbase360 for FCPA Enforcement Update from 2023 and Predictions for the Year Ahead
FCPA Enforcement Update from 2023 and Predictions for the Year Ahead
FCPA enforcement in the past year has remained steady with SEC activity within range of previous years with robust enforcement and the DOJ at a slightly slower pace. In our upcoming webinar, hear from Charles Duross, former Deputy Chief in the Fraud Section of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and global co-chair of Morrison & Foerster’s FCPA + Global Anti-Corruption and Investigations and White-Collar Defense Practice Groups, on recent enforcement takeaways, DOJ policy updates, foreign-bribery related court decisions, and what to expect from enforcement agencies in 2024. Join us on Wednesday, January 17, 2024, as we dive into a review of FCPA enforcement trends, to learn: Key takeaways from recent enforcement actions Insights into the latest DOJ policy updates Compliance program best practices as perceived by the DOJ and SEC Valuable predictions on what may lie ahead for 2024 Don’t miss this opportunity to review FCPA trends and learn anti-corruption best practices from one of the industry’s top attorneys in white-collar defense. Register now to save your spot.
1/17/2024 3:00 PM
Public Sector webinar by Open Plans for #FYI: community boards
#FYI: community boards
Join Open Plans for an informational session on community boards. Learn about the fundamentals of boards, why they matter, how to join, and how to participate. This webinar is for anyone interested in applying for their local board or learning more about CB's in the city and how to get involved.
1/16/2024 11:00 PM
Libraries and Museums webinar by United States Patent and Trademark Office for Trademarks for Librarians
Trademarks for Librarians
Calling all librarians! Join us for an "introduction to trademarks" to become familiar with trademark concepts and resources.
Public Sector webinar by Just International for U.S China Relations: Implications for South East Asia
U.S China Relations: Implications for South East Asia
The Indo-Pacific is a region of great economic and strategic interest for the major powers in the region – US, China, Japan, India and other middle powers. It is also the major region of vital importance for the US strategic objectives and of equal importance for China to achieve its BRI aspirations and security objectives. In the increasing rivalry between these two powers to dominate the region, both are competing though at times cooperating, leading possibly to a situation of Thucydides Trap which may lead to war. Knowing the complexity of this relation, the countries in Southeast Asia are forced to play a subservient role with much caution to take care of their national interest, leading to a complex situation of international relations in the region. Southeast Asia always has been an important geographical region. It was a region of Indian and Chinese civilizational influence in early history, area of Western rival colonial occupation, region of ideological conflicts during the Cold War, and also of great rivalry between the US and China in the post-Cold War era. With strategic sea lanes of communication – the Malacca, Lombok, Sunda Straits, the South China Sea and other sea lanes of communication and given its economic importance, the region has become a region of strategic interest and rivalry for all major powers. The countries in the region are caught in this complex situation and they are carefully hedging between China and the US with much suspicion to safeguard their vital national interest, particularly with China with whom in the past they had some bitter experiences and currently have some economic issues and security conflicts.
1/13/2024 7:00 AM
Public Sector webinar by CREVAWC - Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children - Western University for UN Special Report on Parental Alienation & Implications for Canada | Titre de la conférence : Rapport spécial des Nations Unies sur l’aliénation parentale et ses conséquences au Canada
UN Special Report on Parental Alienation & Implications for Canada | Titre de la conférence : Rapport spécial des Nations Unies sur l’aliénation parentale et ses conséquences au Canada
In April of 2023, UN Special Rapporteur Reem Alsalem released a report addressing the link between custody cases, violence against women and violence against children, with a focus on the abuse of the term “parental alienation”. In this report, she concludes that the discredited and unscientific concept of parental alienation is used in family law proceedings by abusers as a tool to continue their abuse and coercion, undermine and discredit allegations of domestic violence made by mothers who are trying to keep their children safe, and leads to decisions that violate the best interests of children.
Public Sector webinar by AHLA for Fraud and Compliance Year in Review (2023): Looking Back, Planning Ahead
Fraud and Compliance Year in Review (2023): Looking Back, Planning Ahead
In this webinar, our panel discusses critical trends and developments in health care fraud and abuse, compliance, and enforcement in 2023. Topics covered include recent government enforcement initiatives, Stark and Anti-Kickback developments, self-disclosures and settlements, trends, and changes in the industry that will impact health care organizations and their contracting and compliance efforts in 2024.
1/10/2024 7:00 PM
Libraries and Museums webinar by Greater Trenton for Electronic Resources for Genealogy
Electronic Resources for Genealogy
Many people embarking on family history research start with the computer. Come and learn more about some great electronic resources that you can use either at the New Jersey State Library or from home. Regina Fitzpatrick, our Genealogy Librarian, will discuss the resources listed below and do some live demos of useful features. 1. HeritageQuest is a family history research database that any New Jersey resident can access from home with their local public library card through JerseyClicks. 2. is a free website accessible from home with tons of digital collections and research information. 3. The New Jersey State Archives has a series of searchable online indexes and records databases that are freely accessible from home. 4. Ancestry Library Edition is probably the most well known electronic resource for genealogy, but many users are overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. WE WILL NOT BE DEMOING PERSONAL RESEARCH REQUESTS
1/10/2024 5:00 PM
Public Sector webinar by Housing First Europe for WEBINAR: Engaging other sectors in Housing First
WEBINAR: Engaging other sectors in Housing First
On 10th of January 2024 from 11:00 to 12:00 CET join Alex Smith, Senior National Practice Development Project Manager (Housing First Lead) at Homeless Link on a discussion on 'Engaging other sectors in Housing First'. We welcome you to join us for an insightful webinar! During this engaging session, Alex Smith will present us ways of engaging other sectors in Housing First. Related to her expertise and the guides produced by Homeless Link for criminal justice, health, mental health, social care and substance use sectors, she will discuss what role these sectors can play in Housing First and how they can adapt their support in relevant ways. In the spirit of knowledge sharing, we will have a dedicated time for conversation, we invite you to join it via chatroom and exchange insights and ask questions with fellow attendees. This Webinar will be moderated by Arturo Coego, Coordinator of the Housing First Hub. On the morning of the webinar, an email with login details will be sent to everyone who registers via this form. If you do not receive the email on the day, please let us know by emailing To receive the link to the webinar, please enter your email address below.
1/10/2024 10:00 AM

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