Georgia Library Association

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The Georgia Library Association’s (GLA) mission is to provide leadership in empowering and supporting library and information professionals, and the diverse library community. GLA promotes professional growth, fosters innovation, creativity, expertise, and advocacy that advances and sustains library services throughout the state of Georgia.



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Building Inclusive Online Tutorials
Online tutorials are becoming an increasingly frequent element in libraries. One element not yet fully explored in the theory and praxis around them is the concept of inclusion. In some ways this is understandable. A quick glance at best practices in inclusive teaching highlights two assumptions: interaction and repeated contact. How, then, can online tutorials create a learning space that welcomes all students and affirms they belong as students and researchers? We will discuss content and structure choices that are possible in online tutorials to create inclusive, welcoming learning environments even without the benefits of personal interaction. Topics covered include diverse visual cues, multimodal approaches, and gender inclusive language.
2/7/2024 7:00 PM