Association for Psychological Science - APS

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The Association for Psychological Science (APS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of scientific psychology and its application to societal issues. APS promotes the understanding of human behavior and cognition through research, education, and dissemination of scientific knowledge. With its wide range of publications, conferences, and resources, APS provides a platform for psychologists and other professionals to connect, collaborate, and stay informed about the latest developments in the field of psychological science.



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PSPI Live: Developmental Science Research Informs Juvenile Justice Reform
The field of juvenile justice in the United States has gone through significant changes over the past 20 years thanks to its collaboration with developmental science. PSPI Live brings together the authors of a forthcoming publication in Psychological Science in the Public Interest, “Adolescent Contact, Lasting Impact? Lessons Learned from Two Longitudinal Studies Spanning 20 Years of Developmental Science Research with Justice-System Involved Youths”. Elizabeth Cauffman, a professor from University of California, Irvine, will discuss the findings from two large-scale multisite longitudinal studies with members of the Orange County Superior Court and Orange County Public Defender Office. Maria Hernandez, the Presiding Judge, Tamika Williams, the Assistant District Attorney, and Frank Davis, the Alternate Defender, will share their insights about the findings and the group will discuss the emerging need for new research, programs and policy initiatives. PSPI Editor: Nora Newcombe, Temple University
1/24/2024 8:00 PM