Public Sector Webinars

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Public Sector webinar by Protiviti United States for Views on Global Board Governance — Where Directors and C-Suite Leaders Align and Diverge
Views on Global Board Governance — Where Directors and C-Suite Leaders Align and Diverge
Join us for an insightful and interactive webinar diving deep into the results of our inaugural Global Board Governance Survey, developed by Protiviti, Broadridge and BoardProspects. During this session, experts from Protiviti, Broadridge and BoardProspects will share valuable insights regarding the board’s priorities, performance and governance practices. Our study includes feedback from more than 1,000 board members and C-suite leaders globally. Specifically, our study examined: The risks that pose the greatest threats to organizations, and the board and management’s ability to address those risks. Areas where directors and C-suite leaders align and diverge on certain topics, including board priorities and performance, diversity of thought and experience, the organization’s strategic planning process, meeting dynamics, and time allocation.The board’s responsibility with respect to talent management and organizational culture.Board governance concerning digital transformation and emerging technologies such as generative AI.
3/19/2024 5:00 PM
Public Sector webinar by GIJN Africa for Webinar: Investigative Journalism and Digital Threats in 2024 Elections
Webinar: Investigative Journalism and Digital Threats in 2024 Elections
Free and fair elections are fundamental to a functioning democracy. Investigative journalism helps to ensure the integrity of the electoral process by exposing and correcting false narratives and disinformation that can influence public opinion. This reporting not only helps voters to make informed decisions but empowers them to assess the information they encounter, fostering a more discerning and knowledgeable electorate.
3/19/2024 2:00 PM
Government webinar by Clean Energy Canada for The rise of EV misinformation, and how to tackle it
The rise of EV misinformation, and how to tackle it
You’re invited to join a Clean Energy Canada webinar on the rise of EV misinformation and how to tackle it. Clean Energy Canada’s communications director, Trevor Melanson, director of public affairs, Joanna Kyriazis, and manager of reports and outreach, Keri McNamara, will be joined by Globe and Mail car critic Matt Bubbers and Electric Mobility Canada’s Daniel Breton to discuss the myths and misinformation surrounding electric vehicles, what’s in store for the future, and how we might turn the tide of public perception. A recent study of climate-related YouTube videos found that climate denial is giving way to a new kind of climate delay tactic: the discrediting of climate solutions like EVs. This trend has had a helping hand from often well-intentioned but ultimately unbalanced reporting on electric vehicles, especially compared to gas cars. Join us as we explore the communications headwinds facing the shift to electric transportation—and how we can and must overcome them. The presentation will be followed by a discussion in which attendees can put their questions to panelists. Join us at 10am PT/1pm ET on March 12 as experts in the field offer informed insight and myth-busting information on EVs.
3/12/2024 5:00 PM
Public Sector webinar by Jewish Policy Center for Upcoming Webinar: Reestablishing U.S. Deterrence – Jewish Policy Center
Upcoming Webinar: Reestablishing U.S. Deterrence – Jewish Policy Center
The Biden Administration’s timid approach toward Iran and its Houthi proxies has placed American servicemembers and crucial global trade routes at grave risk. An estimated 12 percent of international trade, amounting to over $1 trillion in goods annually normally navigates through the Red Sea and the Suez Canal. Since the Houthi attacks began, freight rates from East Asia to Europe have surged over 200 percent. The Administration’s policy of appeasement of the Iranian regime has proven to be a dangerous fantasy, setting the post-Abraham Accords Middle East on fire. Urgent action is required to change course and re-establish deterrence. Join us for a conversation with Simone Ledeen, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle East Policy, as she outlines the ever-increasing scope of the threat to international shipping and regional security, and concrete steps the US and its allies can take to reverse the trend.This presentation will be broadcast via Zoom video webinar; audio-only phone dial-in is also available. A recording will be posted to the JPC website after the live event.Speaker: Simone Ledeen
2/29/2024 5:00 PM
Public Sector webinar by EENA - The European Emergency Number Association for PSAP Innovation Series: Episode 1 – Greater Copenhagen Fire Brigade
PSAP Innovation Series: Episode 1 – Greater Copenhagen Fire Brigade
Join us for the first in a new series of webinars dedicated to showcasing innovative Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs). This series will allow you to hear first-hand from PSAPs themselves on their challenges and triumphs, and the ways in which they are developing their own technologies for the better. In this first edition, we’ll hear from the Greater Copenhagen Fire Brigade. This webinar will delve into their groundbreaking new Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) system, developed in-house, as well as the use of video for some emergency calls. You’ll also hear about their project to reduce/remove background noise in emergency calls handling. If you’ve ever wanted to hear about the impact of new technologies and initiatives from PSAPs themselves, this is the series for you!
Transportation webinar by Viva North America for Measure, manage and maintain the safety of Vulnerable Road Users - Webinar
Measure, manage and maintain the safety of Vulnerable Road Users - Webinar
Join us for our upcoming webinar Measure, manage and maintain the safety of VRUs. Hosted by Kim Steelman, Business Development Manager, and Matt Shaw, Senior Product Manager. In this webinar, the Viva team will present how our unique AI-powered computer vision sensors can help measure, manage, and maintain the safety of vulnerable road users within the road space. Learn about Viva's innovative approach to capturing anonymized road user data, the wider range of classifications available, Smart Traffic Monitoring, Smart Road Safety features, and how Viva datasets can support grant applications and awards. Register now for free!
2/22/2024 7:00 PM
Public Sector webinar by Australian Medical Association for AMA 2024 - priorities; our next Vision for Australia's Health, federal budget
AMA 2024 - priorities; our next Vision for Australia's Health, federal budget
Our next member-only webinar will focus on the AMA’s next Vision for Australia's Health and what we heard from members in our recent survey. We will also be discussing the year ahead, including our asks for the 2024 federal budget.
2/20/2024 8:00 AM
Public Sector webinar by Institute of Food Technologists for Additives: State Level Actions, National Level Impacts
Additives: State Level Actions, National Level Impacts
Join IFT's Concierge Service for an informative lunch and learn about the national implications of state-level actions related to additives. The October 2023 passing of the California Food Safety Act and similar bills being considered in additional states, including Illinois Senate Bill SB2637, New York State Senate Bill S6055 and Assembly Bill A6424, and others, present significant challenges and opportunities for food scientists across the U.S. Join IFT's Concierge Service on Friday, February 16, at 12 p.m. CT for an informative Lunch and Learn with top food toxicology experts Craig Llewellyn, PhD, and James R. Coughlin, MS, PhD, CFS. During the event, Dr Llewellyn and Dr. Coughlin will offer their perspectives on the history and widespread implications of these state-level actions on food products, supply chains, and businesses. This event will help attendees gain clarity on what they should be thinking about related to these proposed and active bills.
2/16/2024 5:00 PM
Libraries and Museums webinar by Georgia Library Association for Building Inclusive Online Tutorials
Building Inclusive Online Tutorials
Online tutorials are becoming an increasingly frequent element in libraries. One element not yet fully explored in the theory and praxis around them is the concept of inclusion. In some ways this is understandable. A quick glance at best practices in inclusive teaching highlights two assumptions: interaction and repeated contact. How, then, can online tutorials create a learning space that welcomes all students and affirms they belong as students and researchers? We will discuss content and structure choices that are possible in online tutorials to create inclusive, welcoming learning environments even without the benefits of personal interaction. Topics covered include diverse visual cues, multimodal approaches, and gender inclusive language.
2/7/2024 7:00 PM
Transportation webinar by Energy Saving Trust for How to decarbonise your transport fleet
How to decarbonise your transport fleet
What do you need to think about when decarbonising your fleet? Road transport is one of the largest contributors to the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, amounting to around 22%. Fleets will need to make big changes to both their vehicles and operations to reach net zero. In this webinar, we have a look at what you’ll need to do and the best ways to go about it. Every fleet’s journey to decarbonisation is different. You should know what to pick and choose to improve or electrify your fleet. We’ll touch upon: • why fleet decarbonisation matters…now! • using data to your advantage • looking beyond the vehicles (including depots) • working collaboratively • grey fleets and salary sacrifice • developing the plan • Q&A About the presenter James Brown – fleet support manager James is part of the Fleet advice team at Energy Saving Trust and was a fleet manager for 14 years and since has extensive experience of reviewing fleets and recommending improvements. Reserve your place today.
2/6/2024 11:30 AM

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