Views on Global Board Governance — Where Directors and C-Suite Leaders Align and Diverge

Public Sector3/19/2024 5:00 PM

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Join us for an insightful and interactive webinar diving deep into the results of our inaugural Global Board Governance Survey, developed by Protiviti, Broadridge and BoardProspects. During this session, experts from Protiviti, Broadridge and BoardProspects will share valuable insights regarding the board’s priorities, performance and governance practices. Our study includes feedback from more than 1,000 board members and C-suite leaders globally.

Specifically, our study examined:

  • The risks that pose the greatest threats to organizations, and the board and management’s ability to address those risks.

  • Areas where directors and C-suite leaders align and diverge on certain topics, including board priorities and performance, diversity of thought and experience, the organization’s strategic planning process, meeting dynamics, and time allocation.

  • The board’s responsibility with respect to talent management and organizational culture.

  • Board governance concerning digital transformation and emerging technologies such as generative AI.


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