The International Association of Public Transport | UITP

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The International Association of Public Transport (UITP) is a worldwide network that brings together all public transport stakeholders and promotes sustainable urban mobility. With over 1,900 members from more than 100 countries, UITP works towards advancing the development of sustainable transport modes and addressing key issues in the transport industry. Their focus areas include topics like bus, light rail, metro, on-demand mobility, regional and suburban rail, shared mobility, waterborne, accessibility, cybersecurity, digitalization, and more.



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Webinar on Responsive Public Transport in Disruption (Crisis and Peace Time)
Free webinar for UITP members. UITP Asia-Pacific is jointly organising another webinar with UITP India and UITP Australia-New Zealand on Responsive Public Transport in Disruption (Crisis and Peace Time) on 3 April 2024 between 13:30-15:00 Hong Kong time (UTC+8). Join our webinar to gain perspectives from global experts for some practical understanding and case studies to enhance the responsiveness of public transport systems in your region.
4/3/2024 5:30 AM