Healthcare Webinars

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Healthcare webinar by NEOIPC PROJECT for NeoIPC Clinical Practice Network: webinar on surveillance
NeoIPC Clinical Practice Network: webinar on surveillance
This webinar will discuss the importance of surveillance as an infection prevention and control practice in neonatal care. The webinar will be an opportunity to present the newly-developed NeoIPC surveillance toolkit, and to hear from experts with longstanding experience in surveillance and hospital-acquired infections. Speakers include: Aikaterini Mougkou, Expert in Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) Begoña Loureiro, Cruces University Hospital; IIS Biocruces Bizkaia, Bilbao, Spain Brar Piening, Senior Physician, Institute of Hygiene and Environmental Medicine, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany Christina Obiero, Researcher, KEMRI – Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Kilifi, Kenya.
11/23/2023 3:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by European Respiratory Society - ERS for Panel discussion: the importance of getting the dose right in anti-tuberculosis treatment
Panel discussion: the importance of getting the dose right in anti-tuberculosis treatment
To successfully treat tuberculosis it is an absolute necessity that the antimicrobial agents used reaches the site of infection in sufficient amounts. This webinar will discuss the link between drug doses and treatment outcome, the main pharmacokinetic processes, site-of-disease pharmacokinetics in pulmonary TB, combination treatment and drug-drug interactions, and the population approach using mathematical models. The target audience includes healthcare professionals, decision makers, policy makers, researchers, and the TB community.
11/23/2023 12:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by World Health Organization (WHO) for Rising Threats: Confronting AMR and STIs in 2023
Rising Threats: Confronting AMR and STIs in 2023
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are particularly concerned about AMR because of the widespread resistance to most medicines used to treat Neisseria gonorrhoeae in many parts of the world. Other STI pathogens with potential AMR include Mycoplasma genitalium and Trichomonas vaginalis. The department of Global HIV, Hepatitis and STIs Programmes at WHO will participate in the global annual awareness campaign to raise global awareness and understanding on AMR, an important example of One Health collaboration. This year, the departments of AMR and HIV/STIs will organize a joint webinar to launch and discuss 2 WHO Technical products, that are under the Enhanced Gonococcal AMR Surveillance Programme (EGASP) umbrella. It will also be a great opportunity to bring experts, country experience, surveillance data, diagnostics and therapeutics interventions in the pipeline together in one webinar.
11/23/2023 12:00 PM
Pharmaceutical webinar by Access To Medicine Foundation for The critical role of responsible manufacturing in addressing AMR: A path forward - WAAW 2023
The critical role of responsible manufacturing in addressing AMR: A path forward - WAAW 2023
This live webinar will be a forum to discuss how we can move forward in ensuring pharmaceutical companies manufacture responsibly to limit the risk of AMR. The live webinar builds on examples from a new report published by the Access to Medicine Foundation in August 2023 that sets out the clear steps pharmaceutical companies can take to limit AMR risk by manufacturing responsibly. The webinar will touch upon the major changes needed to improve the landscape, as well as the roles that different stakeholders have to play, including companies, regulators, procurers and investors.
11/22/2023 2:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by electroCore for Analyst Teach-In: Accessing the Power of Vagus Nerve Stimulation with gammaCore™
Analyst Teach-In: Accessing the Power of Vagus Nerve Stimulation with gammaCore™
You are invited to join us for an Analyst Teach-In to explore the potential of gammaCore™ non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation (nVNS). This exclusive event, tailored for analysts and industry experts, aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the mechanism of action and the diverse range of potential applications of non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation.
11/21/2023 6:30 PM
Clinical Trials webinar by BIOVECTRA for Platform Manufacturing Processes for pDNA, mRNA, LNP and Fill/Finish in Clinical mRNA Therapies
Platform Manufacturing Processes for pDNA, mRNA, LNP and Fill/Finish in Clinical mRNA Therapies
Discover an informative webinar delving into commercial manufacturing in messenger RNA (mRNA) clinical therapies, new capacity installations and unique partnering models in commercial manufacturing. mRNA and cell/gene therapies represent cutting-edge approaches in the realm of biomedicine, with a focus on innovative disease targeting and treatment. These fields are rapidly evolving, characterized by intricate landscapes, and share common challenges that demand inventive solutions for their development, scaling and eventual commercialization.In this webinar, the featured speaker will discuss new capacity installations and unique partnering models and provide key updates on their progress toward commercial manufacturing of plasmid DNA (pDNA), mRNA, lipid nanoparticle (LNP) and fill/finish.
11/21/2023 6:00 PM
Wellness webinar by The AMR Narrative for The voice of survivors in AMR awareness and advocacy
The voice of survivors in AMR awareness and advocacy
This webinar will focus on giving survivors a voice in the awareness and advocacy for antimicrobial resistance. Join us to hear inspiring stories and learn how we can work together to combat this global health threat.
11/21/2023 3:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by Inside Dental Hygiene CE Courses for Tooth Tech: Elevating Your Game with Prophy Cups, Hand Instruments, and Handpieces
Tooth Tech: Elevating Your Game with Prophy Cups, Hand Instruments, and Handpieces
The latest advancements in prophy cups, hand instruments, and handpieces help elevate the standard of care in dental hygiene. This webinar offers a comprehensive exploration of these essential tools, focusing on their evolution, new market innovations, and benefits. The benefits include superior biofilm removal, enhanced infection control, and better ergonomics. Leveraging these technologies effectively in daily practice helps with the biggest goal of all: improving patient care.
11/21/2023 12:00 AM
Healthcare webinar by Franciscan Health for Diabetes Prevention Program Session Zero
Diabetes Prevention Program Session Zero
Learn why controlling your blood sugar is important, how this class can help, and have the opportunity to ask questions.
11/20/2023 11:00 PM
Clinical Trials webinar by StudyKIK for Advancing Diversity in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) Research: Innovative Strategies for Collaborative Solutions
Advancing Diversity in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) Research: Innovative Strategies for Collaborative Solutions
Discover a groundbreaking webinar delving into multifaceted strategies aimed at enhancing diversity within the realm of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) research. Addressing significant challenges rooted in the widespread lack of trust within diverse patient populations, the featured speakers forge collaborative efforts with advocacy groups, who serve as crucial bridges between the healthcare system and the communities they serve. Going beyond conventional screening practices, these strategies also involve extensive examination of medical records and employ a diverse array of tactics to identify potential patients who might otherwise go unnoticed. Innovation plays a pivotal role in not only tracking and reporting progress but also in educating these underrepresented patient populations. This webinar involves the open exchange of ideas, acknowledging that the path to solutions is neither instantaneous nor linear. Ultimately, this comprehensive approach encapsulates the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I), serving as a model for advancing equitable access to Alzheimer’s research.
11/20/2023 6:00 PM

Why Healthcare webinars?

Healthcare webinars are your gateway to the pulse of medical innovation and wellness trends, all from your digital device. Curious about the latest in health tech or wellness practices? These healthcare webinars bring the experts to you, offering deep dives into topics that matter most in healthcare today.

They're not just lectures; they're interactive experiences where your questions spark discussions, helping you and others learn in real-time. Perfect for professionals and enthusiasts alike, these sessions are a must for anyone looking to stay ahead in the health field. Ready to level up your healthcare knowledge? Dive into our health care webinars and stay tuned for insights that could change the way you think about health.

And don't forget, for those interested in the people behind the scenes, our Human Resources Webinars are next in line, offering a closer look at the heartbeat of any organization.
