Amplifying Evidence with Unified Clinical Trial Data Collection

Healthcare > Clinical Trials12/7/2023 4:00 PM

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Clinical research often lacks sufficient evidence, leading to prescribing decisions in healthcare that are not evidence-based or supported by randomized, double-blind clinical trials. This webinar will discuss how combining a unified clinical trial data collection platform with intelligent automation can revolutionize drug development and why the current status quo is no longer sufficient.


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Medable is a digital clinical trial solutions provider, offering a unified and easy-to-use platform that simplifies and speeds up clinical trials. With seamless, scalable, and efficient solutions, Medable helps researchers generate high-quality data and reach more participants. The platform includes features such as total consent management, remote data collection, participant reminders, and real-time reporting. Trusted by top pharmaceutical companies, Medable offers a best-in-class user experience and extensive network of partners. Stay updated with the latest releases and blog posts from Medable.