Healthcare Webinars

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Healthcare webinar by PPD Inc for Osmolality Analysis in Bioprocessing: From Theory to Practice
Osmolality Analysis in Bioprocessing: From Theory to Practice
Discover an informative webinar exploring the impact of osmolality in bioprocessing and in correlation with immunoglobulin G (IgG) production. Osmolality is described as the measurement of the contribution of all the dissolved solutes to the osmotic pressure of a solution. In biopharma, osmolality is usually used as a critical quality control check for cell culture media, buffers, and formulated drug products. It is also used as a critical process parameter during upstream cell culture and downstream filtration.The Cell Technology group at the National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training (NIBRT) focuses on the development of bioprocesses using mammalian cells to produce recombinant proteins, monoclonal antibodies, and viral vaccines. There is also a particular interest in the bioprocess conditions that can be used to control the biochemical structure and the post-translational modifications of glycoproteins and hence the quality of biopharmaceuticals.Osmolality is routinely used in the Cell Technology group as a QC tool, similar to the routine application in the biopharma industry. However, osmolality is applied as an experimental measurement to correlate with IgG production, nutrient depletion studies, and bioprocessing applications.In this webinar, the featured speaker will describe the impact of osmolality assessment in correlation with IgG production when examining the effect of plant protein hydrolysates as additives, in a media development project. When examining the effect of changing media composition to affect IgG glycosylation, osmolality was tracked and correlated with growth and productivity.In the investigation into the recoverability of cells at various stages of nutrient depletion, osmolality measurements were utilized to correlate the suitability of culture conditions in 're-fed' media, vs. controls of complete media. These preliminary investigations are in the process of being scaled up to the bioreactor level (bench scale) where osmolality validation will be used on samples taken in at-line process analytical technology (PAT) instrumentation development.Join this webinar to gain insights into osmolality in correlation with IgG production in a media development project.
by PPD Inc
11/17/2023 4:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by Students Against Superbugs Africa for Harnessing Simple Project Management Skills for Effective Youth Engagement in Antimicrobial Resistance
Harnessing Simple Project Management Skills for Effective Youth Engagement in Antimicrobial Resistance
Hi there, welcome and thank you for considering to register for this webinar! World AMR Awareness week will be celebrated this year from 18th - 24th November as it happens every year. Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), named as one of the top 10 global health threats by World Health Organization occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites no longer respond to antimicrobial agents. As a result of drug resistance, antibiotics and other antimicrobial agents become ineffective and infections become difficult or impossible to treat, increasing the risk of disease spread, severe illness and death. This webinar is being held as a curtain-raise and to usher our youth to World AMR Awareness Week. We appreciate and highly recognize all the great efforts, and initiatives you have prepared for the week, and we organized this webinar as part of a webinar series to help you implement the initiatives effectively, and in best practice to ensure optimal impact and for your growth too. We will learn more about basics of project management, and how to embrace skills such as; effective planning, efficient implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and project dissemination. Our esteemed guest speaker will be Mimi MELLES-BREWER, Technical Officer, Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) AMR Awareness, and Campaigns at World Health Organization Headquarters, who has vast experience and deep expertise in engaging with the youth. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you in the webinar! Please share with colleagues too!
11/17/2023 3:00 PM
Vaccines webinar by Vejon Health for Diabetes, Covid and Vaccines – Why is Autoimmunity so Critical?
Diabetes, Covid and Vaccines – Why is Autoimmunity so Critical?
Understand diabetes and the connection to Covid autoimmunity as it relates to both infection and vaccination.
11/16/2023 7:00 PM
Pharmaceutical webinar by Pharma Manufacturing Magazine for Quickly adapt pharma facilities to new demands with plug-and-play flexibility
Quickly adapt pharma facilities to new demands with plug-and-play flexibility
Today’s pharmaceutical industry is demanding more flexibility in manufacturing. Faced with rapidly evolving patient needs and relentless pressure to bring new drugs to market fast, companies must find ways to swiftly adapt, scale and optimize their production processes. But automation systems are traditionally rigid and expensive to change. To address this growing challenge, the manufacturing facility of the future is modular, using 'plug-and-play' technology to deliver greater versatility without increasing costs or compromising quality. In this webinar, you will find out how modular production based on this groundbreaking new standard is changing the industry for the better. You will also hear from Sebastian Härtner, Lead of Future Manufacturing for Life Science and Chemicals at EMD Electronics (a division of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany). Sebastian will introduce how these flexible manufacturing practices were implemented at one facility and what they have accomplished as a result. Key learning objectives: Why pharmaceutical companies need flexibility in manufacturing, How modularity is achieved using the Module Type Package (MTP) standard from NAMUR NE 148, How a flexible approach makes planning easier for everything from physical connections to IT/OT cybersecurity, Who is already leveraging modular production, and how it is transforming their business.
11/16/2023 7:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by Windtree Therapeutics for Windtree Therapeutics Inc (WINT)
Windtree Therapeutics Inc (WINT)
Windtree Therapeutics, Inc. is advancing late-stage interventions for acute cardiovascular disorders to treat patients in moments of crisis. Using new scientific and clinical approaches, Windtree is developing a multi-asset franchise anchored around compounds with an ability to activate SERCA2a, with lead candidate, istaroxime, being developed as a first-in-class treatment for cardiogenic shock. Windtree's heart failure platform includes follow-on oral pre-clinical SERCA2a activator assets as well. Included in Windtree's portfolio is rostafuroxin, a novel precision drug product targeting the treatment resistant hypertension disease state for patients with certain genetic profiles.
11/16/2023 6:45 PM
Healthcare webinar by Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP for Investing in a Strong Primary Care Health System: An Overview of CMMI’s Making Care Primary Model
Investing in a Strong Primary Care Health System: An Overview of CMMI’s Making Care Primary Model
In a new webinar, Manatt Health and CMMI will share an in-depth look at the MCP model, including objectives, requirements and participation options. Click to register for the free webinar.
11/16/2023 6:00 PM
Pharmaceutical webinar by PPD Inc for Antibody-Drug Conjugates: IP and R&D Trends to Inform Innovation
Antibody-Drug Conjugates: IP and R&D Trends to Inform Innovation
Discover a groundbreaking webinar delving into advancements in antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) and related patent filings. Antibody-drug conjugates are among the most promising drug classes in oncology...
by PPD Inc
11/16/2023 6:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by Datavant for Webinar: Can It Be Scaled? The Future of Connected Health Data
Webinar: Can It Be Scaled? The Future of Connected Health Data
Join us for an insightful conversation on the challenges and solutions of scaling health data connectivity in large organizations. Hear from industry leaders at McKesson, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, and Duke Health as they share their experiences in developing and scaling data connectivity within and across large organizations. This webinar will dive into the complexities of data-sharing strategies, scalability, compliance and privacy, enabling technologies, and what the future can hold for interconnected health data.
11/16/2023 6:00 PM
Pharmaceutical webinar by Foundation Medicine for Leveraging ctDNA to Strategically Design Clinical Research Programs in Advanced Cancer
Leveraging ctDNA to Strategically Design Clinical Research Programs in Advanced Cancer
Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) profiling is increasingly used in solid tumor management to inform a variety of clinical research questions. ctDNA supports non-invasive testing for trial enrollment and longitudinal monitoring. It has potential applications in clinical study design, prognostication, and understanding when de-escalation may be possible.In this seminar, Valsamo Anagnostou of John Hopkins University will discuss implications in assessing ctDNA in advanced cancer given variable shed in patients, as well as considerations in selecting an approach. She will highlight data demonstrating the value of ctDNA dynamics and recently initiated clinical trials leveraging response-adaptive study designs and how this information can support clinical research to guide patient care.Mia Levy, chief medical officer at Foundation Medicine, will present clinical analysis for Foundation Medicine’s ctDNA tumor fraction method and how it can be leveraged for studies using only liquid biopsy to provide confidence in a negative result, support risk stratification, response-adaptive study designs, and dose selection. She will also highlight how the Foundation Medicine portfolio can support clinical studies leveraging ctDNA.The speakers will discuss:ctDNA-driven interventional clinical trials in immune-oncology based on molecular response.Response-adaptive study designs for targeted therapies.Early-phase clinical studies using ctDNA to support dose selection or early go/no go decisions.The clinical insights provided by Foundation Medicine’s ctDNA tumor fraction and portfolio of solutions for supporting clinical research and drug development.
11/16/2023 6:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by Panacea Healthcare Solutions, LLC for Mastering the CMS 2024 Final Transparency Rule Regulations: Impacts and Strategies for Healthcare Providers
Mastering the CMS 2024 Final Transparency Rule Regulations: Impacts and Strategies for Healthcare Providers
Join our exclusive webinar on the CMS 2024 Final Transparency Rule! In this informative session, Panacea industry experts will break down the key aspects of the CMS 2024 Final Transparency Rule, providing valuable insights into its implications for healthcare providers. Extend your learning and attend our live 45-minute Q&A session at the end of the webinar. Dive deep into the intricacies of the 2024 Final Transparency Rule with our experts. Ask targeted questions, get personalized responses, and ensure your organization is prepared for the regulatory shifts ahead.
11/16/2023 5:00 PM

Why Healthcare webinars?

Healthcare webinars are your gateway to the pulse of medical innovation and wellness trends, all from your digital device. Curious about the latest in health tech or wellness practices? These healthcare webinars bring the experts to you, offering deep dives into topics that matter most in healthcare today.

They're not just lectures; they're interactive experiences where your questions spark discussions, helping you and others learn in real-time. Perfect for professionals and enthusiasts alike, these sessions are a must for anyone looking to stay ahead in the health field. Ready to level up your healthcare knowledge? Dive into our health care webinars and stay tuned for insights that could change the way you think about health.

And don't forget, for those interested in the people behind the scenes, our Human Resources Webinars are next in line, offering a closer look at the heartbeat of any organization.
