Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP

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Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP is a full-service law firm that offers legal services to clients in various industries. With expertise in areas such as corporate and finance, government and regulatory, litigation, and more, the firm is committed to identifying opportunities, nurturing growth, and solving problems for its clients. Their team of experienced professionals provides strategic advice and practical solutions tailored to the unique needs of each client.



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[Webinar] Bridging Public Health and Managed Care: A Collaborative Approach to Community Health Assessments - March 21st, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
In the United States, public health and health care delivery have largely taken different and siloed approaches, with health care focused on the treatment of individuals and public health centered on the total population within a geographic region. Collaboration between the sectors is essential to advancing both health outcomes and equity—a lesson driven home during the COVID-19 pandemic. In a new webinar, Manatt Health will provide an in-depth look at the innovative ways California health agencies are working together to bridge the gap between public health and managed care health care delivery—and what other states can learn from the California model.
3/21/2024 1:00 PM
Protecting Hospitals From Cyberattacks: New York’s Trailblazing Cybersecurity Requirements
In a new webinar, Manatt will explain proposed New York cybersecurity regulations and what they mean for providers, share insights to help hospitals guard against attacks, and present lessons for other states seeking to put protections in place.
1/30/2024 6:00 PM
Pushing the Envelope in School-Based Services: Graduating to a Higher Level of Pediatric Care
In a new webinar, Manatt spotlights real-life examples of states that are pushing the envelope in providing school-based services.
1/17/2024 6:00 PM
2023 Health Care Enforcement Trends: Spotlight on Consumer Protection, Antitrust and Fraud
In a new webinar, Manatt will review the 2023 landscape of enforcement in health care by State Attorneys General, the DOJ and the FTC, focusing on consumer protection, antitrust and health care fraud. The CLE-eligible program will examine current trends, look ahead at what to expect in 2024 and share strategies for protecting your organization in an increasingly stringent enforcement environment.
12/13/2023 6:00 PM
State Telehealth Policy Trends: 2023 Year in Review
The American Medical Association (AMA) and Manatt Health will share a year-end snapshot of key telehealth policy trends, including a summary of 2023 legislative activity with specific state examples.
12/5/2023 5:00 PM

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