Healthcare Webinars

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Healthcare webinar by for Bispecific Antibodies: Structural Design, Production and Purification Strategies
Bispecific Antibodies: Structural Design, Production and Purification Strategies
Discover this groundbreaking webinar delving into the strategic approaches of bispecific antibody (BsAb) design, production and purification. BsAbs have become increasingly of interest by enabling new therapeutic applications for a variety of indications, including cancer, chronic inflammatory diseases, autoimmunity, neurodegeneration, bleeding disorders and infections. Currently, there are 12 bispecific antibodies approved worldwide. Natural antibodies are monospecific, while BsAbs recognize two different epitopes or antigens. This makes BsAbs hold great therapeutic promise for many diseases by linking an effector to a target cell, acting as ligands to two receptors or other mechanisms. However, the translation of these concepts into treatments is challenging. Without proper engineering, the side products from the light chain mispairing, heavy chain mispairing and BsAb fragments could lead to low purity, inability of repetition and toxicity. To solve the technical problems, advanced design strategies have been investigated, such as Knobs-into-holes, CrossMab technology, Duobody and common light chain. These technologies have greatly improved the development of bispecific antibodies, with many entities employing similar design approaches to develop their BsAb therapeutics. Do BsAb designs always work well as reported? What considerations should be taken for BsAb design? GenScript has production experience on thousands of BsAbs including about 80 BsAb formats and know well how the design affects the production. This webinar will focus on various strategies for BsAb design, the side products and how to get high purity BsAbs with different purification columns. Join this webinar to gain insights into the diverse applications, design considerations and production strategies of bispecific antibodies.
12/8/2023 3:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by Spectroscopy Online for Compliance Solutions for Using A-TEEM Spectroscopy in GMP Labs
Compliance Solutions for Using A-TEEM Spectroscopy in GMP Labs
A-TEEM (Absorbance-Transmittance Excitation Emission Matrix) is a spectroscopic technique that can be used to evaluate and fingerprint complex mixtures. This webinar will discuss the A-TEEM compliance package for GMP labs, including the Aqualog A-TEEM spectrometer, IQ/OQ documentation and procedures, EzPAT OPC UA Server for PAT Software control of A-TEEM acquisitions, and A-TEEM Direktor multivariate analysis software with A-TEEM specific guided workflow. Key learning objectives include understanding compliance solutions for A-TEEM acquisitions and data analysis, as well as how A-TEEM is used in GMP Labs for pharmaceutical analysis.
12/7/2023 6:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by Gordian for Risk of Inaction: The New Facilities ROI
Risk of Inaction: The New Facilities ROI
Chronic underfunding, rising deferral and mounting operational constraints have led to a declining Net Asset Value (NAV) in most healthcare facilities. Join us for this trailblazing webinar to explore the implications of emerging facilities risk and how to ensure compatibility between facilities and clinical priorities to support, stabilize, and improve your portfolio’s NAV.
by Gordian
12/7/2023 6:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by for Food as Medicine: Challenges and Solutions to Help Members Live Well
Food as Medicine: Challenges and Solutions to Help Members Live Well
Lisa Roberson, RDN, LD Learning Objectives: 1. Outline key challenges of the Food as Medicine movement, including food insecurity and social determinants of health 2. Compare and contrast various medically tailored nutrition strategies 3. Identify possible solutions that are available to mitigate Food as Medicine implementation challenges
12/7/2023 4:00 PM
Clinical Trials webinar by Medable for Amplifying Evidence with Unified Clinical Trial Data Collection
Amplifying Evidence with Unified Clinical Trial Data Collection
Clinical research often lacks sufficient evidence, leading to prescribing decisions in healthcare that are not evidence-based or supported by randomized, double-blind clinical trials. This webinar will discuss how combining a unified clinical trial data collection platform with intelligent automation can revolutionize drug development and why the current status quo is no longer sufficient.
by Medable
12/7/2023 4:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by EnterpriseAlumni for The Power of Joined-Up Thinking
The Power of Joined-Up Thinking
Almost everything we've ever achieved has been done by groups working together: our naturally social, interconnected brains are designed to function best collectively. Technology helps us to share our wisdom and knowledge much more diversely than ever before. We sit down with neuroscientist and best-selling author Dr Hannah Critchlow to explore in what ways collective intelligence might be applied through alumni networks.
12/7/2023 4:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by Hepatitis B Foundation for Hepatitis B Advocacy in Africa: Case Examples from Ghana and Nigeria
Hepatitis B Advocacy in Africa: Case Examples from Ghana and Nigeria
Hepatitis B carries a significant burden across the African continent with over 60 million Africans living with hepatitis B. To improve testing, access to management and treatment, and prevention it takes significant political commitment and advocacy. This webinar will discuss strategies to engage with political leaders within the African context. We hope by the end of this session you will be inspired and encouraged to create similar initiatives in your communities.
12/7/2023 3:00 PM
Clinical Trials webinar by Worldwide Clinical Trials for FDA Oncology Center of Excellence: Programs & Projects That Impact Drug Development
FDA Oncology Center of Excellence: Programs & Projects That Impact Drug Development
Since 2017, the FDA’s Oncology Center of Excellence (OCE) has created more than 300 research and educational outreach projects and programs focused on advancing the design, analysis, and regulations surrounding oncology drug development. In this webinar, Worldwide Clinical Trials’ clinical research methodology and oncology strategy experts will present the OCE’s most imperative initiatives.
12/7/2023 2:30 PM
Healthcare webinar by First Steps ED for Youth Disordered Eating - Creating an Effective Support Pathway
Youth Disordered Eating - Creating an Effective Support Pathway
Learn how Tellmi and First Steps ED have been collaborating to support young people with disordered eating, creating a clear support pathway
12/7/2023 11:00 AM
Healthcare webinar by MSK Australia - Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Education Providers for Flagship Webinar: Hamstrings
Flagship Webinar: Hamstrings
This hamstring webinar delivers lectures outlining the anatomy and pathology of free tendon, myofascial, musculotendinous and intratendinous injuries, followed by didactic live scanning with Q&A. Topics covered include: How to easily identify and navigate through the hamstring muscles, target the common locations that injuries occur, advantages and disadvantages of various imaging grading classifications, MRI and ultrasound correlation, return to play criteria, what details the clinician wants from your report. Live Q&A is open during the webinar where delegates can pose questions relating to imaging assessment and management of hamstring injuries and have them answered in real time. Additionally, inclusion of what the clinician wants in their reports and the management techniques that they use, make for an all-encompassing webinar on hamstring injuries.

Why Healthcare webinars?

Healthcare webinars are your gateway to the pulse of medical innovation and wellness trends, all from your digital device. Curious about the latest in health tech or wellness practices? These healthcare webinars bring the experts to you, offering deep dives into topics that matter most in healthcare today.

They're not just lectures; they're interactive experiences where your questions spark discussions, helping you and others learn in real-time. Perfect for professionals and enthusiasts alike, these sessions are a must for anyone looking to stay ahead in the health field. Ready to level up your healthcare knowledge? Dive into our health care webinars and stay tuned for insights that could change the way you think about health.

And don't forget, for those interested in the people behind the scenes, our Human Resources Webinars are next in line, offering a closer look at the heartbeat of any organization.
