Healthcare Webinars

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Healthcare webinar by Allergy Research Group for Non-Hormonal Remedies to Relieve Hormonal Symptoms
Non-Hormonal Remedies to Relieve Hormonal Symptoms
Hormones, chemical messengers produced mainly in the endocrine glands and secreted into the bloodstream, play a crucial role in homeostasis, maintaining balance, and stability of the body’s internal milieu. Hormones generate and regulate growth and development, metabolism, reproduction, mood, sleep, and indeed, all bodily functions. The medical community is increasingly recognizing hormone optimization as a key building block to an extended high quality of life. There is a growing need and interest in evidence-based non-hormonal solutions to alleviate excess, insufficient, and deficient hormone symptoms. This presentation explores evidence-based approaches to manipulating hormone levels without the need for prescription hormonal input. Focusing on 11 hormones: Testosterone, estrogens, progesterone, growth hormone, thyroid hormone, cortisol, insulin, DHEA, pregnenolone, prolactin, and melatonin, we review the potential impact of diet, exercise, herbs, minerals, and vitamins on raising or lowering hormone levels. This webinar promises to be a valuable resource for adjunctive relief from hormonal imbalances for all practitioners looking to achieve better outcomes for their patients.
12/20/2023 11:00 PM
Vaccines webinar by International Society of Nephrology for Zoster Vaccine for patients with renal disease
Zoster Vaccine for patients with renal disease
Zoster Vaccine for patients with renal disease Target Audience Technicians and Health Assistants Laboratories and Medical Technology Family Medicine Internal Medicine General Practice Clinical Pathology Allergy and Immumology Public Health, Nephrology Endocrinology, Renal transplant Nursing and Midwifery Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians
12/20/2023 5:30 PM
Pharmaceutical webinar by BIOVECTRA for Unleashing the Potential of ADCs with High-Quality Bioreagents
Unleashing the Potential of ADCs with High-Quality Bioreagents
Discover a groundbreaking webinar delving into antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) manufacturing and the recommended strategies to overcome common challenges in potency testing and product purity. ADCs and cell/gene therapies are both advanced approaches in the field of biomedicine that aim to target and treat various diseases in innovative ways. Both rapidly evolving fields with complex landscapes, they each face significant challenges and require innovative solutions for development, scale-up and commercialization. Particularly, when it comes to ADC manufacturing, two key challenges lie in the realms of potency testing and product purity, posing obstacles to manufacturing ADCs at a larger scale and cost-effectively. Furthermore, more robust tools and streamlined processes are needed to ensure the timely production of ADCs for clinical trials and potential commercial launches. Additionally, meeting regulatory standards adds another layer of complexity to the manufacturing process. This webinar will delve into these challenges, exploring their impact and potential solutions for advancing ADC manufacturing.
12/14/2023 3:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by Phlebotomy Careers for Learn from the Legends - The State of the Art in Neonatology
Learn from the Legends - The State of the Art in Neonatology
Hearty Welcome to 'Learn from the Legends' -the State of the Art International Neonatology Webinar Series! Join us on 14 Dec to learn about the recent advances in the "Blood pressure trends and phenotypes in neonates" Prof Yasser Elsayed, University of Manitoba- Canada 1 Feb 2024: What's new in the Early postnatal care to prevent BPD? Prof Huayan Zhang, University of Pennsylvania, USA 7 March : Umbilical cord management- What's new and what's left to learn?
12/14/2023 2:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP for 2023 Health Care Enforcement Trends: Spotlight on Consumer Protection, Antitrust and Fraud
2023 Health Care Enforcement Trends: Spotlight on Consumer Protection, Antitrust and Fraud
In a new webinar, Manatt will review the 2023 landscape of enforcement in health care by State Attorneys General, the DOJ and the FTC, focusing on consumer protection, antitrust and health care fraud. The CLE-eligible program will examine current trends, look ahead at what to expect in 2024 and share strategies for protecting your organization in an increasingly stringent enforcement environment.
12/13/2023 6:00 PM
Pharmaceutical webinar by ChemLinked | BaiPharm for Understanding Regulatory Requirements for Exporting Drugs to Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar
Understanding Regulatory Requirements for Exporting Drugs to Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar
Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar are heavily reliant on imported pharmaceutical products. This webinar will provide an overview of the regulatory framework for the importation of pharmaceutical products in these three countries, including the requirements for obtaining marketing authorization. Speakers include Aye Thuzar Hlaing, David Mol, and Dino Santaniello from Tilleke & Gibbins.
12/13/2023 2:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by The Lancet for Spotlight on Universal Health Coverage: looking back and moving forward
Spotlight on Universal Health Coverage: looking back and moving forward
Join us for an interactive webinar discussing Universal Health Coverage (UHC), a key target of the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goal 3. In this session, authors will recap their work, addressing essential questions regarding the impact and future of UHC. This session includes a live Q&A Speakers: Freddie Ssengooba, Jessamy Bagenal, Miriam Lewis Sabin, Gavin Yamey Hymowitz, Kara Hanson, Ezequiel García Elorrio, Tolullah Oni
12/12/2023 1:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by NY Chapter ACS for December's Medical Student Monthly Virtual Hangout: Save the Date!
December's Medical Student Monthly Virtual Hangout: Save the Date!
Register for the first NY Chapter ACS Medical Student Hangout! Featured Guest: Jennifer Whittington, MD FACS. With the Chapter's monthly hangouts, led by our medical-student committee, we aim to create and provide a relaxed, stress-free social environment for medical students to interact with and learn from NY based surgeons. Assist medical students in learning about future career options, networking and research opportunities.
12/12/2023 1:00 AM
Clinical Trials webinar by Ora for Navigating Industry Needs for Retina Therapy Clinical Research Success
Navigating Industry Needs for Retina Therapy Clinical Research Success
In this groundbreaking webinar, discover the latest in retina therapy programs and clinical research to enhance success in ophthalmic trials with insights from industry experts. With over 250 individual therapies in development to address these challenging-to-treat conditions including inherited retina diseases, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration, the innovation within this space is likely unsurpassed by any other. Excitingly, many of these include novel mechanisms of action or gene therapies that show potential for different therapeutic impacts from current therapies on the market, such as treating conditions where there are no therapies with approved indications or targeting earlier-stage disease interventions.
by Ora
12/11/2023 4:00 PM
Clinical Trials webinar by Ora for Endpoints for Neuroprotection in Glaucoma Trials
Endpoints for Neuroprotection in Glaucoma Trials
Join us for a cutting-edge webinar delving into innovative clinical approaches and endpoints for new glaucoma treatments. Today, intraocular pressure (IOP) lowering therapies are currently the only proven neuroprotective therapies for glaucoma. While IOP therapies and devices are highly prevalent in use, unfortunately even with these treatments up to one in four patients still experience blindness in at least one eye. With disease progression still often significant despite the application of these therapies, clearly, this is an area of opportunity for new therapeutic entries. As companies explore new therapies to provide neuroprotection (preserving neuronal integrity) or even neuroenhancement (improving neuronal function), finding the right clinical approaches and endpoints to prove efficacy is of utmost importance. This webinar, featuring leading glaucoma expert and Ora Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Gustavo De Moraes, highlights ground-breaking designs and endpoints for new glaucoma therapies that help better measure therapeutic impact and even demonstrate IOP-independent neuroprotection. Hear an overview of the latest research in this field, understand considerations for programs including currently stated FDA opinions, and dive deeply into recent studies that show the viability of these novel endpoints to demonstrate efficacy for new glaucoma potential therapies. Ora Inc. is the only ophthalmic clinical trials company with a research and development (R&D) department focused on the evolution of clinical trials. As one of the top glaucoma experts in the world, Dr. De Moraes leads the Ora R&D team in exploring and developing new endpoints. He is excited to share with attendees the latest research shaping the future of glaucoma clinical trials, and to provide considerations for their therapeutic program to optimally capture the efficiency benefits for these challenging patients.
by Ora
12/8/2023 6:00 PM

Why Healthcare webinars?

Healthcare webinars are your gateway to the pulse of medical innovation and wellness trends, all from your digital device. Curious about the latest in health tech or wellness practices? These healthcare webinars bring the experts to you, offering deep dives into topics that matter most in healthcare today.

They're not just lectures; they're interactive experiences where your questions spark discussions, helping you and others learn in real-time. Perfect for professionals and enthusiasts alike, these sessions are a must for anyone looking to stay ahead in the health field. Ready to level up your healthcare knowledge? Dive into our health care webinars and stay tuned for insights that could change the way you think about health.

And don't forget, for those interested in the people behind the scenes, our Human Resources Webinars are next in line, offering a closer look at the heartbeat of any organization.
