Healthcare Webinars

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Previous Webinars

Healthcare webinar by JoVE for JoVE Research Webinar with Arnaldo Mercado-Perez
JoVE Research Webinar with Arnaldo Mercado-Perez
Join us for a live webinar organized by JoVE on the topic: "Unlocking Gut Movement: Novel Small Bowel Analysis" with Dr. Arthur Beyder Arnaldo Mercado-Perez MD-PhD, Gastroenterologist Mayo Clinic MD-PhD Student Mayo Clinic. Maximizing your experience: The advantages of webinar participation. A detailed description of improved spatial resolution of small bowel transit. Ability to spatially resolve segmentations. Moving past transit measurement by analyzing spatial distribution of contents. An interactive Q&A session with the audience. Temporary full access to the JoVE article discussed in the webinar. Registrants will receive a recording of the webinar. A Certificate of Attendance is available to attendees upon request.
by JoVE
1/11/2024 2:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by for Enhancing Treatments using Targeted Protein Degradation
Enhancing Treatments using Targeted Protein Degradation
Discover a webinar delving into targeted protein degradation (TPD), an approach using cellular machinery to selectively remove proteins, promising more effective treatments with minimized side effects. The classical small molecule drug discovery strategies are inhibiting the biological function of proteins of interest, which either block the active pocket or change the protein conformation. However, the significant disadvantages such as limitations in target candidates, dose issues and quick resistance foundations, are calling for a more preferable therapy with fewer side effects. TPD, a strategy that utilizes the native protein homeostasis (or proteostasis) machinery to deplete proteins of interest (POI), represents a novel and promising therapeutic approach.
1/11/2024 2:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders for Webinar: Barrett's Esophagus in Bariatric Surgery: Regression or Progression?
Webinar: Barrett's Esophagus in Bariatric Surgery: Regression or Progression?
Speaker Dr. Guillermo Ponce de León Ballesteros Moderator Dr. Sebastián Arana Garza Panelists: Dr. Mariano Palermo Dr. Luciano Poggi
Healthcare webinar by Allen Institute for Cell Types 101
Cell Types 101
The Cell Type Taxonomies A-Z: Webinar Series features presentations by Allen Institute scientists & staff for a full guide to brain cell types and taxonomies, and how and why to use these resources in your research. Jan 10, 2024 - May 22, 2024 Virtual Time 10:00AM PST Audience Graduate, Postdocs, Scientists, Undergraduate See agenda and learn more about speakers
1/10/2024 3:00 PM
Pharmaceutical webinar by MRIGlobal for Reference Standard Management for Pharmaceutical Development
Reference Standard Management for Pharmaceutical Development
Discover an informative webinar focused on maintaining regulatory compliance with a high-quality reference standard program for pharmaceutical development. This webinar is designed for industry professionals looking to gain a practical understanding of reference standards, from their acquisition and qualification to their application in maintaining product quality and regulatory compliance.
1/9/2024 7:00 PM
Clinical Trials webinar by Scinai Immunotherapeutics for SCINAI: 2023 In Review and 2024 Plans
SCINAI: 2023 In Review and 2024 Plans
CEO Amir Reichman will review Scinai’s 2023 accomplishments and discuss 2024 plans, including bringing Scinai’s anti-IL-17 VHH antibody (‘NanoAb’) innovative psoriasis treatment into clinical trials by the end of 2024.
1/9/2024 3:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by Cerba Research for Impacts of the New IVD Regulation (IVDR) for Manufacturers and Users
Impacts of the New IVD Regulation (IVDR) for Manufacturers and Users
The implementation of the new In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation (IVDR) within the European Union has introduced profound changes with far-reaching impacts on both manufacturers and users of in vitro diagnostic devices. Manufacturers operating within the EU are facing a vastly different regulatory landscape with the advent of the IVDR. This regulation places more stringent demands on manufacturers, necessitating a comprehensive overhaul of their operations.
1/9/2024 3:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by ESTRO for Challenges in Accumulating Doses
Challenges in Accumulating Doses
Reirradiation Webinar Series Please fill in the form below to register. Dates: - Thursday 26 October 2023 (15:00-16:00 CEST) - Reirradiation Challenges & Opportunities - Monday 6 November 2023 (15:00-16:00 CET) - Challenges in the Clinical Reirradiation Workflow - Monday 4 December 2023 (15:00-16:00 CET) - Practical Radiobiology for Clinical Reirradiations Challenges - Tuesday 9 January 2024 (15:00-16:00 CET) - Challenges in Accumulating Doses - Monday 5 February 2024 (15:00-16:30 CET) - Dose Constraints for Reirradiation: What Do We Know? - Tuesday 5 March 2024 (15:00-16:00 CET) - Proton Reirradiation: Current Status & Challenges - Thursday 11 April 2024 (15:00-16:00 CET) - Other Reirradiation Techniques Available - Thursday 23 May 2024 (15:00-16:00 CET) - Going Forward: How we do learn? How do we improve? Format: Free online webinar Should you have any questions, please reach out to
1/9/2024 2:00 PM
Psychology webinar by Tap Into Your Best Self for Crafting New Realities Through Thought
Crafting New Realities Through Thought
Experience a sneak peek of our 'Change Your Mind, Create New Results' course with our free webinar. Join us to unlock your transformative potential. Dive into self-discovery with our exciting upcoming webinar! Are you ready to ignite your passion, gain crystal-clear clarity, and set out on a transformative journey to achieve your dreams? Are you eager to lead your team towards enhanced collaboration, skyrocketed productivity, and a shared vision for success? In today's fast-paced world, many individuals find themselves facing challenges that leave them feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and uncertain about their future. Do any of these sound familiar? Stress and Anxiety: Are you constantly battling stress and anxiety, affecting your overall well-being? Limiting Beliefs: Do you feel held back by limiting beliefs and patterns that prevent you from reaching your true potential? Health and Wellness: Are you struggling with health issues and seeking holistic solutions for healing? Relationships: Do you desire healthier and more fulfilling relationships with your loved ones and yourself? If you resonate with any of these challenges, I want you to know that you're not alone. Many people are on a similar journey, searching for answers and solutions to transform their lives positively. What if I told you that this course could be the catalyst for the change you've been seeking? Here's what you can expect: Mindset Transformation: Learn the science behind rewiring your mind and breaking free from limiting beliefs. Stress Reduction: Discover powerful techniques to reduce stress and cultivate emotional resilience. Optimal Health: Explore the mind-body connection and unlock your body's innate healing potential. Fulfilling Relationships: Gain insights into building deeper and more meaningful connections. But don't just take my word for it. Here's what some of our past participants have to say: 'Dr. Dispenza's teachings have transformed my life. I now approach challenges with a newfound sense of clarity and purpose.' 'I've experienced remarkable shifts in my health and well-being after applying the principles from this course.' Join me and discover the transformative potential that lies within you.
1/9/2024 12:00 AM
Healthcare webinar by Jeevan Technologies for Salesforce Health Cloud 101 - Jeevan Technologies
Salesforce Health Cloud 101 - Jeevan Technologies
Join us for an exclusive and informative webinar on Salesforce Health Cloud 101 to explore the potential of Health Cloud and its beneficial impacts on the healthcare industry. Discover how Salesforce Health Cloud can empower your healthcare organization to deliver personalized, connected, and care-centric experiences for patients, providers, and payers. Take a Deep Dive into Salesforce Health Cloud - Explore its features and functionalities tailored for healthcare providers, administrators, and patients. Overview of Salesforce Health Cloud Evolution of Health IT Core Features of Salesforce Health Cloud Salesforce Health Cloud Use Cases Salesforce Health Cloud Integrations and Compliance
1/5/2024 2:30 PM

Why Healthcare webinars?

Healthcare webinars are your gateway to the pulse of medical innovation and wellness trends, all from your digital device. Curious about the latest in health tech or wellness practices? These healthcare webinars bring the experts to you, offering deep dives into topics that matter most in healthcare today.

They're not just lectures; they're interactive experiences where your questions spark discussions, helping you and others learn in real-time. Perfect for professionals and enthusiasts alike, these sessions are a must for anyone looking to stay ahead in the health field. Ready to level up your healthcare knowledge? Dive into our health care webinars and stay tuned for insights that could change the way you think about health.

And don't forget, for those interested in the people behind the scenes, our Human Resources Webinars are next in line, offering a closer look at the heartbeat of any organization.
