Caron Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers

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Caron Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers have been providing life-saving addiction treatment and behavioral healthcare for nearly 70 years. With sophisticated medical services onsite 24/7, Caron offers inpatient and outpatient treatment options at various locations along the East Coast. Their programs have a 95.5% rate of recovery at 30 days after treatment. Caron is committed to providing value-based care, treating the whole person through trauma services, LGBTQIA+ affirming and accepting services, neurofeedback therapy, and physical wellness. They have two medical centers, extensive resources, and a highly credentialed staff to ensure Recovery For Life. For more information or to seek help, visit their website.



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Long Term Anxiety in Families with Substance Use Disorder
One of the most difficult experiences of dealing with addiction in your family is dealing with your own anxiety. We know that anxiety flows through systems like electricity flows through a circuit. It’s contagious, free floating, and it has to land somewhere. If we can work on befriending our own anxiety and regulating our own nervous system, then we put “circuit breakers” into the family system and we invite that in our family members as well. We truly do have power in our family systems just not the way we may have thought. Learning how to be in a healthier relationship to our own anxiety is perhaps the most important things that we can do for our whole families recovery. Who Should Attend this Program? Any family member who has been impacted by a loved one’s substance use disorder will benefit from participating in this webinar. Please note: if you cannot attend the webinar live, please register to receive the recording. Also, this event is Eastern Standard Time.
1/12/2024 12:00 AM