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Industry > Energy webinar by EURACTIV's Agenda for How can operators & stakeholders along the value chain implement the EU Methane Regulation | EURACTIV's Agenda
How can operators & stakeholders along the value chain implement the EU Methane Regulation | EURACTIV's Agenda
We are delighted to announce the launch of our new webinar series on Methane emissions. Register hereFirst webinar on 12 March, 14:30 – 16:30 Brussels time Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR). The EU Methane Regulation for the energy sector was proposed in December 2021 as part of the proposals to deliver the European Green Deal. This is the EU's first-ever legislation to curb methane emissions in the energy sector. The legislative proposal followed the EU Methane Strategy adopted in 2020 and is now in the process of being implemented at EU Member States level. Together with international experts from the European Commission, regulators, the industry and service providers, the webinar series will dive into the details of solutions to ensure an efficient implementation of the EU Methane Regulation by the operators and stakeholders along the value chain.
3/12/2024 1:30 PM
Healthcare webinar by European Lung Foundation for EPAP Live: Election special - European Lung Foundation
EPAP Live: Election special - European Lung Foundation
This year will see almost 49% of the global population vote in an election. These will cover European, national, regional and local elections. This means we have a great opportunity to get lung health on the political agenda and ensure that politicians are working to improve healthcare and address the issues that can lead to poor lung health. In this event we will discuss the importance of patient advocacy, look at ways in which you can engage politicians and tell you about the #KeepBreathing campaign. Please join us for this informative and interactive lunchtime event on Tuesday 12 March 2024, 12:30-13:45 CET. This event is part of a series of live webinars related to the European Patient Ambassador Programme, a free, online, self-learning programme that introduces patients and carers to some of the basic skills and knowledge needed to represent yourself and others successfully.
3/12/2024 11:30 AM
Technology webinar by CRM-geothermal for Frontier technologies for sustainable extraction of critical raw materials
Frontier technologies for sustainable extraction of critical raw materials
We are excited to invite you to a ground-breaking webinar jointly hosted by the RAWMINA and CRM-geothermal projects, both funded under the Horizon Europe programme. This collaborative effort embodies the spirit of innovation and cooperation driving European initiatives towards sustainable resource management. Both projects are at the forefront of developing cutting-edge technologies aimed at revolutionizing critical raw materials (CRM) extraction methodologies. Utilizing advanced techniques such as adsorption and other innovative separation methods, RAWMINA and CRM-geothermal are redefining possibilities in critical raw materials recovery from mine waste and geothermal fluids. Our webinar serves as a platform to delve into the intersecting realms of RAWMINA and CRM-geothermal, facilitating an exchange of insights and discoveries. Key objectives include: Sharing Research Insights, Engaging with the Public, and Exploring Collaborative Opportunities.
3/12/2024 9:00 AM
Technology > Software webinar by Fast CI · Built for Monorepos for March 2024 Nx Webinar Registration
March 2024 Nx Webinar Registration
Join us Monday, March 11th at 2pm EDT/7pm UTC for our next webinar, presented by Rares Matei. Nx Agents is a leap forward in how we think about our CI system. In this talk we’ll see how we can reduce your existing CI config to its absolute simplest form, where all tasks are running one by one on a single job, and then, with a single line of code, we will distribute all your Nx tasks between 3, 5 or even 15 agents, reducing CI times from 30 minutes to ~5 minutes. We’ll also explore the mental mode of Nx Agents and how it works together with Nx to intelligently distribute your tasks for you. The main presentation will take about 30 minutes, with 30 minutes for Q&A with attendees. A recording will be made available later in the week. Register for our March webinar today!
3/11/2024 7:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by European Society of Thoracic Surgeons for DCD in lung transplantation
DCD in lung transplantation
Join our upcoming webinar on DCD in Lung Transplantation, featuring an expert lecture by @CeulemansLJ from Leuven, Belgium.
Healthcare > Wellness webinar by Nutrition and Obesity Policy Research and Evaluation Network for Understanding Shifting Consumer Purchasing Trends Impacting Health
Understanding Shifting Consumer Purchasing Trends Impacting Health
Title: Understanding Shifting Consumer Purchasing Trends Impacting HealthSpeaker: Sherry Frey - Total Wellness, NIQSherry Frey brings more than two decades of industry experience to her role as Vice President, Total Wellness at NielsenIQ. With a background in market research, innovation and consulting, she has elevated clients across the fresh, CPG and wellness industries, providing forward-thinking insights, combined with practical strategies. In addition to leading NielsenIQ’s Total Wellness industry engagement, Sherry has been a featured speaker at many national and international industry events and is often sought as a media and analyst resource on topics related to consumer health, wellness and environmental issues. Sherry’s view of health and wellness spans beyond personal health and wellness, encompassing how we collectively think about the health of the planet. ________________To join, click here.
Animals webinar by Pet Professionals Organization for Creating Behaviour Modification Plans in Challenging Environments (shelter) with Tom Candy - Pet Professional Guild
Creating Behaviour Modification Plans in Challenging Environments (shelter) with Tom Candy - Pet Professional Guild
This webinar examines how we can create successful behaviour modification plans in challenging environments. Learn how to work around the challenges you encounter in settings from shelters to busy households. Gain knowledge on the importance of BMPs in shelters and understand how to introduce HAPPIER BMPs for demanding scenarios. Obtain relevant insights on setting appropriate goals for BMPS.Your Presenter – Tom Candy: A passion for animal welfare and training who has experience in various aspects of animal rescue operations. Currently, a Senior Training and Behaviour advisor with the UK's largest canine welfare organisation.
3/11/2024 12:00 PM
Finance > Investing webinar by CFA Society Germany for Kryptoassets als Beimischung in traditionellen Multiasset Portfolios | 20240311_web
Kryptoassets als Beimischung in traditionellen Multiasset Portfolios | 20240311_web
Die CFA Society Germany lädt Sie herzlich zum CFA Webinar "Kryptoassets als Beimischung in traditionellen Multiasset Portfolios" mit André Dragosch, PhD. und Dominik Poiger, CFA ein. Im Webinar werden die Speaker die Portfolioallokation mit Kryptoassets beleuchten und einen kurzen Ausblick zu Kryptoassets in 2024 geben. Die anschließende Q&A Session bietet die Möglichkeit, auf Ihre Fragen zu diesem aktuellen Thema einzugehen.
3/11/2024 11:00 AM
Business webinar by Foodpreneurs for 5 critical mistakes that you must avoid to start a successful food processing business
5 critical mistakes that you must avoid to start a successful food processing business
5 critical mistakes that you must avoid to start a successful food processing business
3/9/2024 11:56 AM
Healthcare webinar by ICSB 2024 for International Women's Day - Women in Medicine
International Women's Day - Women in Medicine
We invite you to be part of this profound journey and join us on March 8th as we celebrate the extraordinary contributions of women in medicine
3/8/2024 3:00 PM