Fast CI · Built for Monorepos

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Focused on keeping low CI times, by understanding how your code works, no matter the scale of your project.



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March 2024 Nx Webinar Registration
Join us Monday, March 11th at 2pm EDT/7pm UTC for our next webinar, presented by Rares Matei. Nx Agents is a leap forward in how we think about our CI system. In this talk we’ll see how we can reduce your existing CI config to its absolute simplest form, where all tasks are running one by one on a single job, and then, with a single line of code, we will distribute all your Nx tasks between 3, 5 or even 15 agents, reducing CI times from 30 minutes to ~5 minutes. We’ll also explore the mental mode of Nx Agents and how it works together with Nx to intelligently distribute your tasks for you. The main presentation will take about 30 minutes, with 30 minutes for Q&A with attendees. A recording will be made available later in the week. Register for our March webinar today!
3/11/2024 7:00 PM