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Public Sector > Government webinar by Internal Revenue Service for Employee Retention Credit: Latest information on the Moratorium and Options for Withdrawing or Correcting Previously Filed Claims
Employee Retention Credit: Latest information on the Moratorium and Options for Withdrawing or Correcting Previously Filed Claims
This webinar will cover the following: Understand the moratorium on ERC claims and how it affects taxpayers, Learn who can withdraw ERC claims and how, Learn about ERC resources from the IRS, Plus, a live Q & A. Offered with closed captioning. Closed Captioning displays the words that descrbe the audio portion of the program for viewers who are deaf or hard of hearing. Captions are available in English only. All participants who qualify will receive a Certificate of Completion. Tax Professionals - Earn up to 1 CE Credit. Category: Federal Tax. IRS Stakeholder Liaison is an IRS Return Preparer Office Approved CE Provider for Enrolled Agents and Other Tax Return Preparers with valid PTINs and is not NASBA or MCLE accredited. CPAs, attorneys and others licensed by state boards/organizations should check with their respective boards/organizations to determine if credit applies toward their continuing education requirements.
11/2/2023 6:00 PM
Research webinar by IDTechEx for The Future of Automotive Radar
The Future of Automotive Radar
IDTechEx's new report "Automotive Radar 2024-2044: Forecasts, Technologies, Applications" finds that approximately 70% of vehicles 2022 had a front radar, and around 30% use side radars for blind spot detection. This webinar explores some of the development avenues that are being explored to address the ever-growing demands of radar.
11/2/2023 5:00 PM
Technology > Software webinar by Windfall for Windfall's Shopify Integration and How It Empowers Retailers
Windfall's Shopify Integration and How It Empowers Retailers
As retailers face increasing challenges in the world of data-driven marketing, it's clear that relying solely on first-party data is no longer sufficient. Privacy changes and the deprecation of third-party cookies have made acquisition and targeting more complex than ever before. In this upcoming webinar, we’ll be discussing a new and exciting integration that will help you overcome these challenges and revolutionize your retail marketing strategy: Windfall + Shopify. Join Windfall’s subject matter experts, Matt Donahue and John Dao, as they unveil our new integration with Shopify, and discuss how it can help your organization go beyond first-party data to drive unparalleled persona development, segmentation, targeting, and cross-channel experiences. This session will explore: Challenges today’s retailers face with traditional approaches to marketing and limited first-party data, An introduction of Windfall’s new integration with Shopify and live product demonstration, Benefits of harnessing Windfall's powerful platform in conjunction with Shopify, Tips and tricks for supercharging your marketing strategy, refining your targeting, and boosting customer acquisition. Please fill out the form on the right to save your seat. We hope you and your team will join us!
11/2/2023 5:00 PM
Public Sector > Government webinar by National Operations Center of Excellence for Data for Operations and Planning
Data for Operations and Planning
This webinar, the first in a series of five, will present an overview of NCHRP 08-119 Data Integration, Sharing, and Management for Transportation Planning and Traffic Operations, which began in 2019 and ran through 2023. The objective of this project was to develop tools, methods, and guidance for improving data sharing, integration, and management practices to enable transportation agencies, in collaboration with private-sector and public-sector stakeholders, to make better planning and operations decisions. The webinar series will share best practices, lessons learned, challenges and opportunities, and emerging practices for data sharing, integration, and management; opportunities and information on partnering with private sector data providers; and the needs/approaches to prepare for big data. Much of the work from the project can also be found at data.transportationops.org. To effectively plan and operate transportation systems, agencies need to use a wide variety of data. However, existing data silos; a lack of common data formats; hesitation or fear of sharing data; and traditional, rigid data management practices limit transportation agencies and practitioners in their ability to exchange, integrate, and use data for analysis, reporting, and decision-making. Further, as transportation agencies begin to use new data sources and to make their data more accessible, some of the issues faced include gaining confidence in the data and understanding their quality and variability, reconciling data discrepancies among different sources, validating processes for turning data into information, comparing system performance across time considering how the data have changed, and understanding the implications of big data approaches/applications. More modern approaches to data management can improve the efficiency of data-driven processes as well as support innovation across transportation agencies.
Environment > Fire Safety webinar by North Atlantic Fire Science Exchange for Student Webinar Series
Student Webinar Series
Webinar: Monitoring and predicting conditions that contribute to fire spread are central to both the national fire danger rating system and prescribed fire efforts. In forests, fine scale variation in stand structure and composition can influence microclimate conditions (i.e. understory temperature and relative humidity) and dead fuel moisture. However, these dynamic drivers of fire behavior are difficult to parameterize in predictive models due to their high spatial and temporal variability. In this study, we used terrestrial laser scanning, field-based climate data loggers, fuel moisture sticks, and forest inventory measurements to better understand the relationship between forest structure, microclimate, and dead fuel moisture in two managed northern conifer forests in Maine and New Hampshire. This research enhances northeastern fire managers’ ability to plan and implement fuel treatments by highlighting how changes in forest stand structure drive fine scale heterogeneity in fuel moisture and fire behavior.
Business > Software webinar by Stratodesk for Webinar - Tricks and Tips: Stratodesk Essentials and Pro Tips for New Stratodesk Users
Webinar - Tricks and Tips: Stratodesk Essentials and Pro Tips for New Stratodesk Users
Welcome! Whether you're a recent addition or a new user in an existing Stratodesk-enabled organization, we're excited to meet you and bring you into our community! Join us virtually next Thursday on 2 November as we take you through everything you need to know to be more successful with Stratodesk, including: Live demonstration for customizing and organizing Stratodesk NoTouch. Common use cases including setting groups, managing user roles, certificates and more time-saving features in NoTouch Center. Learn how to get support and how to send a support file. Get to know our customers' favorite features! Don't miss this opportunity to learn the in's and out's of Stratodesk and unlock the full potential of your organization's digital workspace. Save your spot today!
11/2/2023 4:00 PM
Industry > Farming and Agriculture webinar by CDM Smith for The Rise of Desalination: Solving Water Quality and Supply Issues through Reverse Osmosis
The Rise of Desalination: Solving Water Quality and Supply Issues through Reverse Osmosis
As the limitations on freshwater supplies increases due to more extreme weather conditions and water quality degradation, the demand for both brackish and seawater water desalination is expected to increase across the United States of America. In areas of population growth and water supply sustainability risk, municipalities, government agencies and industrial water users are already seeking alternative supplies such as desalination. The applications for desalination technologies are expected to increase. What you'll learn by attending: • Identify desalination technologies • Understand how reverse osmosis works • Identify reverse osmosis applications • Understand design considerations for BWRO and SWRO Presented by Christian Sanders, PE, CPEng; Rubén Muñoz, MSc.; Matthew Trzcinski, PE; Moderated by Mark White, PE, BCEE Participants will earn one professional development hour (PDH) from CDM Smith University for attending. We hope you can join us, continue learning and stay connected!
11/2/2023 4:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by International Health Economics Association for Estimation of Regression Discontinuity and Kink Designs with Multiple Running Variables
Estimation of Regression Discontinuity and Kink Designs with Multiple Running Variables
The regression discontinuity (RD) design is a popular method used in a wide range of policy evaluations. Its popularity owes to the simplicity, credibility, and wide applicability of its design: individuals are assigned to treatment based on whether the value of their running variable exceeds a known threshold, effectively creating a local randomized experiment in a neighborhood of the cutoff as long as individuals cannot precisely manipulate their running variable. With the growing availability of rich datasets, RD designs with multiple running variables (MRD) have become increasingly common, and yet unlike for single-dimensional RD designs, there is little consensus over how to conduct estimation in such settings. In this webinar, we cover the basics of the MRD design, and discuss a simple estimation method. We also discuss potential applications in healthcare settings, such as studying the effect of Medicaid when eligibility depends on income and age, and health effects of higher education when financial aid eligibility depends on test scores and family income.
Personal & Lifestyle > Realty and Home Buying webinar by AACCNJ for Your Pathway to Homeownership
Your Pathway to Homeownership
Join us to learn a step by step pathway to Homeownership
11/1/2023 10:00 PM
Environment > Fire Safety webinar by Lexipol for 6 Leadership “Watchouts” for Public Safety Leaders
6 Leadership “Watchouts” for Public Safety Leaders
It’s not easy being a leader in public safety. You’re expected to demonstrate empathy and strength, vision and command, integrity yet flexibility. And the various stakeholders you serve – your personnel, your elected officials and your community members – often expect different things. How can you navigate these challenges? It’s not easy, but being on the lookout for “leadership watchouts” can help. In this webinar, Battalion Chief Bruce Bjorge and Chief (Ret.) Dave Funkhouser share six areas that can spell trouble for public safety leaders and discuss how you can meet these challenges, build your leadership strengths and improve the overall wellness and productivity of your agency personnel. Engage in the discussion by submitting your questions live. And set yourself up to finish the year strong and move into 2024 with renewed energy and commitment. You’ll learn: - How to avoid common mistakes that lead to leadership failures. - The importance of self-care and how to become a leader in wellness. - How to take steps to ensure policy and practice are aligned. - How to become a servant leader instead of a servant to leadership.
by Lexipol
11/1/2023 5:00 PM