Psychology Webinars

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Healthcare > Psychology webinar by Rural Health Research Gateway for Examining the Burden of Public Stigma Associated With Mental Illness in the Rural U.S.
Examining the Burden of Public Stigma Associated With Mental Illness in the Rural U.S.
The prevalence of any mental illness is increasing in the U.S. Public stigma associated with mental illness can lead to fear, discrimination, and other adverse consequences. This study examines public stigma in rural versus non-rural communities and analyzes differences by age, gender, race/ethnicity, and experience with mental illness.
3/12/2024 5:00 PM
Healthcare > Psychology webinar by National Alliance for Children's Grief for Cultivating inclusivity for children and all abilities in funeral planning and participation
Cultivating inclusivity for children and all abilities in funeral planning and participation
The process of planning a funeral is a multifaceted endeavor involving considerations such as cultural traditions, accessibility, and the ability to derive meaning from the experience. This webinar aims to create age-appropriate, inclusive funeral conversations and expand participation to marginalized communities. It will discuss contemporary funeral care practices, including funeral procedures for different age groups and considerations for physical and cognitive challenges. Join us for this webinar to promote a healthier grieving process and a more compassionate approach to funeral planning.
Healthcare > Psychology webinar by Tap Into Your Best Self for Crafting New Realities Through Thought
Crafting New Realities Through Thought
Experience a sneak peek of our 'Change Your Mind, Create New Results' course with our free webinar. Join us to unlock your transformative potential. Dive into self-discovery with our exciting upcoming webinar! Are you ready to ignite your passion, gain crystal-clear clarity, and set out on a transformative journey to achieve your dreams? Are you eager to lead your team towards enhanced collaboration, skyrocketed productivity, and a shared vision for success? In today's fast-paced world, many individuals find themselves facing challenges that leave them feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and uncertain about their future. Do any of these sound familiar? Stress and Anxiety: Are you constantly battling stress and anxiety, affecting your overall well-being? Limiting Beliefs: Do you feel held back by limiting beliefs and patterns that prevent you from reaching your true potential? Health and Wellness: Are you struggling with health issues and seeking holistic solutions for healing? Relationships: Do you desire healthier and more fulfilling relationships with your loved ones and yourself? If you resonate with any of these challenges, I want you to know that you're not alone. Many people are on a similar journey, searching for answers and solutions to transform their lives positively. What if I told you that this course could be the catalyst for the change you've been seeking? Here's what you can expect: Mindset Transformation: Learn the science behind rewiring your mind and breaking free from limiting beliefs. Stress Reduction: Discover powerful techniques to reduce stress and cultivate emotional resilience. Optimal Health: Explore the mind-body connection and unlock your body's innate healing potential. Fulfilling Relationships: Gain insights into building deeper and more meaningful connections. But don't just take my word for it. Here's what some of our past participants have to say: 'Dr. Dispenza's teachings have transformed my life. I now approach challenges with a newfound sense of clarity and purpose.' 'I've experienced remarkable shifts in my health and well-being after applying the principles from this course.' Join me and discover the transformative potential that lies within you.
1/9/2024 12:00 AM
Healthcare > Psychology webinar by The Thrive Approach to social and emotional wellbeing | The Thrive Approach for The impact of isolation booths on behaviour and mental health
The impact of isolation booths on behaviour and mental health
Disruptive behaviour can be a major cause of stress and frustration for educators. Desperate to maintain calm, productive classrooms, some are resorting to isolation booths to combat the problem. But is this form of 'time out' doing young people more harm than good? In 'The impact of isolation booths on behaviour and mental health', Thrive's Viv Trask-Hall is joined by Charlotte Rainer of the Children and Young People's Mental Health Coalition, and Mark Reather from React UK Training, to discuss the effects of isolation booths and explore alternative approaches that prioritise the wellbeing of children and young people. After just 45 minutes, you’ll have: • An insight into the neuroscience behind behaviour • Understanding of what happens to a young person’s brain and body when they’re put into isolation • Key takeaways from research into punitive approaches and why they can be detrimental to mental health • Actionable alternatives to sanctions that are more likely to improve behaviour long-term
Healthcare > Psychology webinar by The Deep Listening Path for How Legendary Changemakers Avoid Burnout? And What You Can Do to Preserve your Energy and Create your Aspired Social Impact
How Legendary Changemakers Avoid Burnout? And What You Can Do to Preserve your Energy and Create your Aspired Social Impact
“How Legendary Changemakers Avoid Burnout? And What You Can Do to Preserve your Energy and Create your Aspired Social Impact” Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing. In today's volatile world, we're witnessing historic levels of anxiety as a result of war in three continents: Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, climate catastrophes, and an unprecedented level of humanitarian crisis. Jennifer Brown writes her in article, “How Advocates for Inclusion Keep from Burning Out,” that as empathetic allies, advocates for inclusion are particularly susceptible to increased levels of anxiety as they experience the pressure to outperform themselves while representing marginalized identities and take in other people’s experiences. Advocates need to strategize their advocacy energy to prevent burnout and a systematic process to overcome burnout once identified. In this webinar, the Artist Changemaker, Shumaila Hemani, Ph.D. will offer three essential strategies to overcome burnout based on her upcoming online course: Resurgence: The Deep Listening Path to Recovering from Advocacy Burnout. Combining deep listening practices with mindfulness meditation practice and wellness, Hemani will propose we shift our approach from considering burnout as an individual-centric issue to addressing it as a systemic issue that is a by-product of the hustle culture and needs systems thinking to build resources and support within our social ecology. The participants will receive free resources, including an ebook and audio meditation to support their recovery. This webinar is relevant for any advocate who has experienced burnout during their advocacy journey.
11/23/2023 8:00 PM

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