Education Webinars

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Education webinar by National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education for Nexus Summit 2023 Seminar Showcase: Interprofessional Practice and Education Through a One Health Lens
Nexus Summit 2023 Seminar Showcase: Interprofessional Practice and Education Through a One Health Lens
The Nexus Summit Seminar Showcase is a free webinar series from the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education. The Seminar Showcase features the highest-rated peer-reviewed seminars offered during last year’s annual conference, the Nexus Summit 2023, and covers topics ranging from artificial intelligence (AI), to longitudinal assessment strategies, team well-being, health equity, multi-institutional models, and interprofessional advocacy, among others.
Education webinar by William & Mary School of Education for Faculty Research: Heartley Huber, Making Their Move: Findings from the Next Move @ W&M Program
Faculty Research: Heartley Huber, Making Their Move: Findings from the Next Move @ W&M Program
Associate Professor of Special Education Heartley Huber will present "Making Their Move: Findings from the Next Move @ W&M Program." Established in 2019, Next Move @ W&M is a campus-based internship program serving young adults with developmental disabilities, through employment training and job coaching in placements across campus. Dr. Huber will share an overview of the program, initial findings across five internship sessions, and next steps for more rigorous evaluation of effectiveness.
3/19/2024 4:00 PM
Education webinar by edWeb for Teacher Retention: Successful Models and Strategies
Teacher Retention: Successful Models and Strategies
Supporting and retaining teachers continues to be a major issue for districts and organizations across the country. This edWebinar will provide information and support to school and district leaders on their quest to find solutions to teacher retention challenges. The presenters will discuss the best ways to support, develop, elevate, and retain teachers, improving outcomes for all educational stakeholders. Attendees will learn best practices for supporting teachers through mentorship and PLCs, important considerations for the professional development of teachers, methods for elevating new teachers, opportunities to improve the retention of teachers throughout their programs, and how utilizing video can support these efforts. The presenters will specify high-impact practices and explore criteria that help schools prioritize how to use their resources. Attendees will walk away with actionable ideas for implementation. This edWebinar will be of interest to K-12 school leaders, district leaders, and education technology leaders. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.
by edWeb
3/18/2024 6:00 PM
Education webinar by SHORE for Webinar - Ocean Literacy: Journey to the Depths - SHORE
Webinar - Ocean Literacy: Journey to the Depths - SHORE
Join this new SHORE Webinar on Ocean Literacy. Our speaker will be Carmen Bucovala, an experienced educator specializing in biology. She teaches at the Ovidius High School in Constanta, Romania and has extensive experience in ocean literacy. Her talk is entitled "Ocean Literacy: Journey to the Depths".
3/15/2024 8:00 AM
Education webinar by The PIE Events for Agency regulation: Where do we go from here?
Agency regulation: Where do we go from here?
In nearly all the major international education destination countries, the practices and ethics of education agencies are coming under renewed scrutiny, prompting further calls for their regulation and accreditation. In truth, however, this issue has been around for as long as international mobility at scale has been a phenomenon. And the reason nothing has hitherto come of it is that it is a hugely difficult nut to crack. Who’s responsibility is it? Who has jurisdiction and teeth? Will standards be consistent across the industry as a whole? How can standards be monitored on an ongoing basis? And how can the burden on both providers and agents be kept to sensible levels? In this webinar, we will be exploring the challenges that all stakeholders in int’l ed face on this crucial issue. We will consider the responses that are already underway in a number of destinations and whether there is a danger of them pulling in different directions. And, how national efforts need to be co-ordinated for the benefit of the global sector. Our particular theme is how the industry can cooperate to act in concert in the best interests of the sector as a whole. We are joined on the panel by seasoned international education practitioners representing a range of voices in the debate. This webinar is highly topical and will be of value to all stakeholders in international education.
3/14/2024 2:00 PM
Education webinar by The Engagement Platform (TEP) for It takes a village: New data to support workforce and flexible working planning in schools
It takes a village: New data to support workforce and flexible working planning in schools
Having a workforce strategy is essential for leaders across the sector – especially with recruitment and retention challenges across a range of roles. To achieve good outcomes for young people, the whole ecosystem needs to be effectively working together. What does a good workforce and people strategy look like? How do we understand the needs of different roles and demographics across our schools? How do we know we are on track?Join us to hear the latest research from Professor John Jerrim on understanding the engagement of people in roles across the education workforce and how we can best understand their needs. We'll also hear from Maxine Low, Executive Head at one of the largest primary schools in England (six form entry) who has been using TEP data to shape her people strategy. Sarah Bainbridge will also be joining us from Reach Foundation, who are a leading voice on the planning and adoption of flexible working within schools. 
3/13/2024 4:00 PM
Education webinar by University of Westminster for Centre for Employment Research and FFT Datalab
Centre for Employment Research and FFT Datalab
Post-16 pathways to employment for lower attaining pupils: are they working?
3/13/2024 3:00 PM
Education webinar by Naturalistic Decision Making Association for NDMA Webinar Featuring Aaron Appleton
NDMA Webinar Featuring Aaron Appleton
In this webinar, Head of Venture Science Doctorate Programme at Deep Science Ventures, Aaron Appleton, will discuss the integration of Applied CTA and other NDM tools into the Venture Science Doctorate Programme.Aaron will share:The games he and his team have developed for teaching knowledge elicitation methods.The constructionist approach to learning about ACTA.Atlas of Venture Science book that resulted from the course.Following Aaron's discussion, there will be a preview of the upcoming NDM conference. You don't want to miss it!
Education webinar by ERMA | Enterprise Risk Management Academy for RISKHub Webinar - ESG Integration in Risk Management: A Practical Exploration
RISKHub Webinar - ESG Integration in Risk Management: A Practical Exploration
In this webinar, we will examine the practical aspects of integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) values into risk management strategies. Emphasizing tangible insights and actionable steps, our focus will be on exploring the intersection of ESG principles and effective risk mitigation. The discussion will center on real-world applications, challenges, and practical approaches, providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of how to seamlessly integrate ESG considerations into their risk management practices.
Education webinar by Vector Solutions for 7 Universal Prevention Strategies to Address Vaping, Alcohol, and Substance Misuse
7 Universal Prevention Strategies to Address Vaping, Alcohol, and Substance Misuse
Substance misuse continues to be a growing problem across districts nationwide. This webinar will focus on evidence-based prevention strategies that reduce risk factors and increase protective factors among students. Participants will define universal prevention strategies, select appropriate evidence-based programs, and gain an understanding of why these strategies work.Presenters: Christi Valentini- Lackner, Chief Program Officer, PreventionFIRST! and Ryley Jones, Program Coordinator, PreventionFIRST!
3/12/2024 6:00 PM

Why Education webinars?

Diving into educational webinars can totally change how you learn and connect, all from the comfort of wherever you choose. Ever thought about how cool it is to learn new things right where you are? With educational webinars, you're just a click away from a world of knowledge spanning from the mysteries of the universe to the beauty of fine arts. It's like having a front-row seat to talks by some of the brightest minds around, and you can even ask questions, just like in a real classroom.

But it's not all about listening and learning; it's a chance to meet people who are just as curious as you are. You'll find yourself diving into discussions, sharing insights, and making connections that go beyond the webinar. Looking to brush up on the latest trends, broaden your understanding, or just meet fellow knowledge seekers? Educational webinars are your go-to.

Ready to give your learning a boost and see where it takes you? Jump into our educational webinars and let the journey of learning and discovery begin. Oh, and if you're keen on blending learning with health, our Healthcare Webinars are just around the corner, ready to enrich your knowledge with the latest in health and wellness.
