Industry Webinars

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Farming and Agriculture webinar by Holganix for Webinar: From Soil To Success Holganix Bio 800 Results From The Field
Webinar: From Soil To Success Holganix Bio 800 Results From The Field
Register Here Agriculture HGX Pro Turf & Ornamental Lawn and Landscape Golf and Sports Turf Residential Science Science Agriculture Data Turf Data Case Studies Sustainability Pledge Shop Contact Distributor Online Call: 866-563-2784 Webinar: From Soil To Success - Holganix Bio 800 Results From The Field Register Here! Are you interested in using Holganix Bio 800+products but want to hear from actual users of the product first? We understand and have arranged a roundtable discussion featuring three Holganix farmer dealers from different geographies, who grow corn and soybeans. Attend our upcoming webinar, hosted by Holganix CEO & Founder, Barrett Ersek on February 8 @ 2:00 pm Eastern.This will be an open Q&A session so come armed with questions and be ready for our customer's candid responses. What can you expect from the webinar? Overview of Holganix Bio 800+products Interview with farmers Results they have seen with Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture Results they have seen with Holganix Bio 800+ Breakdown First Name*Last Name*Email*State/Region*
2/8/2024 7:00 PM
Farming and Agriculture webinar by Farm Management for Legal Aspects of Agricultural & Farmland Leasing
Legal Aspects of Agricultural & Farmland Leasing
Live webinar on Monday February 5 at noon. Information you provide when registering will be shared with the account owner and host and can be used and shared by them in accordance with their Terms and Privacy Policy.
2/5/2024 6:00 PM
Industry webinar by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for EPA ORD Webinar Harmful Algal Blooms, Hypoxia, and Nutrients Research - Development and Application of Harmful Algal Blooms Forecasting Science
EPA ORD Webinar Harmful Algal Blooms, Hypoxia, and Nutrients Research - Development and Application of Harmful Algal Blooms Forecasting Science
EPA will use your registration information solely for this event and for invitations to future events. We will not share your information with any third party. It is EPA's policy to make reasonable accommodation to persons with disabilities wishing to participate in the Agency's programs and activities, pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. 791. Any request for accommodation should be made to Sam Whately at in advance of the webinar. For future viewing, a closed-captioned recording of this webinar will be made available on EPA’s YouTube site.
Farming and Agriculture webinar by Extension at the University of Minnesota for Meet Your Pollinators Webinar Series
Meet Your Pollinators Webinar Series
Learn about Minnesota pollinators and discuss action steps you can take to support pollinator health and diversity. Recognize common insect flower visitors that you can find in your pollinator garden. Discover how integrated pest management can help balance garden goals.
Architecture webinar by PingCAP for How TiDB’s Architecture Supports Scale and Reliability
How TiDB’s Architecture Supports Scale and Reliability
To meet the demands of modern applications, relational databases need a radically new architecture — one designed from the ground up to handle voluminous data and transaction loads, resist different types of failure and function seamlessly during times of peak demand without manual intervention or patchwork scaling strategies. TiDB is a prime example of this new style of database architecture. As an open-source distributed SQL database, it’s designed for the most demanding applications, scaling out to handle data volumes up to a petabyte in size. Join Alex Feinberg, Software Engineer at PingCAP, as he provides expert insights into the architectural features that give TiDB its scalability and reliability, including: TiDB’s design fundamentals, How the Raft consensus algorithm serves as an essential cornerstone for replication, How distributed transactions maintain ACID properties, How TiDB’s native support for high availability minimizes downtime for critical applications and services, TiDB’s wide range of tools and features for disaster recovery
by PingCAP
1/30/2024 6:00 PM
Industry webinar by Water Management Solutions - ACO SWM for Underground Stormwater Management using Geocellular Systems
Underground Stormwater Management using Geocellular Systems
Discover innovative approaches to underground stormwater management through this webinar, exploring the effectiveness and versatility of geocellular systems in addressing urbanization and climate challenges. Geocellular stormwater management systems are an effective method to face the surface water challenges of today. In this webinar, the featured speaker will discuss the use of geocellular stormwater management systems as an alternative to other types of underground stormwater management systems. They will evaluate the benefits of geocellular systems as well as analyze the key characteristics of effective systems through the design, delivery, installation and maintenance phases.
Engineering webinar by Ansys for Introducing Dynamic Simulations in Teaching Using Ansys
Introducing Dynamic Simulations in Teaching Using Ansys
In this webinar, we’ll share implicit and explicit analyses that you can embed in engineering degrees with Ansys LS-Dyna. We’ll illustrate the characteristics of each approach with a particular emphasis on time step definition concepts.
by Ansys
1/30/2024 4:00 PM
Industry webinar by Cranfield University for Leading the change: industry and manufacturing's journey to net zero
Leading the change: industry and manufacturing's journey to net zero
Globally, countries, governments, and industries are focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions to as close as zero as possible, to avoid cataclysmic climate change and safeguard our planet for future generations. Join Cranfield University for a webinar on the theme of net zero. Hear from a range of experts across manufacturing and materials, aerospace, and transport about the latest thinking and research being carried out to achieve net zero and create a sustainable future.
1/30/2024 9:30 AM
Engineering webinar by Indian Chemical Council (ICC) for Plasma Engineering for Chemical Process Industries
Plasma Engineering for Chemical Process Industries
Ninth webinar in series of webinars by Dr. D. S. Patil, Adjunct Professor - Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (ex-Outstanding scientist DAE) on “ Plasma Engineering for Chemical Process Industries ” on  25 January 2024 at 3.30 pm virtually
1/25/2024 8:30 PM
Farming and Agriculture webinar by Holganix for From Soil To Success - Holganix Bio 800 Results From The Field
From Soil To Success - Holganix Bio 800 Results From The Field
Register Here! Are you interested in using Holganix Bio 800+ products but want to hear from actual users of the product first? We understand and have arranged a roundtable discussion featuring three Holganix farmer dealers from different geographies, who grow corn and soybeans. Attend our upcoming webinar, hosted by Holganix CEO & Founder, Barrett Ersek on January 24 @ 11:00 am Eastern. This will be an open Q&A session so come armed with questions and be ready for our customer's candid responses. What can you expect from the webinar? Overview of Holganix Bio 800+ products, Interview with farmers, Results they have seen with Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture, Results they have seen with Holganix Bio 800+
1/24/2024 4:00 PM