Biosecurity and Emergency Preparedness

Industry > Farming and Agriculture5/28/2024 11:00 PM

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Join us for the May KPCA webinar on Biosecurity and Emergency Preparedness.


John Wheelock - DPIRD

Major Raymond Dalzell - Kimberley Squadron, NORFORCE

Dr. Isabel MacPhillamy - AusVet

Leanne Johnson - KPCA


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Kimberly Pilbara Cattlemen's Association

Kimberly Pilbara Cattlemen's Association

The KPCA is a not-for-profit organization whose vision is to support and promote a resilient, profitable and sustainable beef industry. Their mission is to maximize the value of the northern beef industry through accessing innovation, building capacity, and achieving industry influence. The KPCA works towards connecting those involved in the industry through partnerships and effective communication. They are currently working hard to provide support and resources to the pastoralists in the wake of extensive flooding in the Kimberley region.