Environment Webinars

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Environment webinar by Ecosystem Marketplace, an initiative of Forest Trends for New EM Insights Briefing: State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2023
New EM Insights Briefing: State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2023
You’re invited to join the virtual launch event of Ecosystem Marketplace’s latest report, State of Voluntary Carbon Markets 2023, on November 28 at 10:00 am ET / 1500 GMT+1. In the lead-up to COP28, Ecosystem Marketplace is excited to publish its flagship report covering the latest prices, trends, and insights related to international voluntary carbon markets. During this webinar on Tuesday, November 28 @ 10 am ET / 1500 GMT+1, EM will present the key findings from its new report and guest speakers will share their reflections on the analysis, followed by Q&A. Register here:
Environment webinar by OAE Publishing Inc. for Nanomaterials in the Aquatic Environment: Distribution, Interactions and Ecological Impacts
Nanomaterials in the Aquatic Environment: Distribution, Interactions and Ecological Impacts
Join the webinar to learn about the distribution, interactions, and ecological impacts of nanomaterials in the aquatic environment. The webinar will cover topics such as emerging pollutants, oxidative damage, risk assessment, and more.
11/24/2023 1:00 PM
Climate Change webinar by Watershed Watch Salmon Society for Science and stewardship of salmon watersheds in an era of climate change
Science and stewardship of salmon watersheds in an era of climate change
Join us online for an insightful session with SFU's Jonathan Moore, where we'll explore how climate change impacts salmon watersheds.
11/21/2023 7:00 PM
Environment webinar by Vermont Natural Resources Council for Vermont’s Climate Progress: What’s Happening, What’s Not, What’s Needed
Vermont’s Climate Progress: What’s Happening, What’s Not, What’s Needed
Each year Energy Action Network’s Annual Progress Report for Vermont on Emissions, Energy, Equity, and the Economy provides an in-depth analysis of where Vermont stands relative to its climate requirements and broader equity, adaptation and resilience commitments. Join us from an overview from EAN Executive Director Jared Duval about the latest analysis of the state of Vermont’s emissions and energy usage and how this is affecting our economy and equity for Vermonters. Then, hear high-level updates from a few partners on several key policy priorities anticipated to advance in the 2024 legislative session, including efforts to modernize Vermont’s Renewable Energy Standard, holding big oil accountable to help pay for growing climate-induced disasters and a significant, multi-pronged package of critical resilience and adaptation solutions.
11/20/2023 5:00 PM
Climate Change webinar by Ecosystem for Peace for Not reinventing the wheel: What lessons can climate funds learn from development and peacebuilding actors?
Not reinventing the wheel: What lessons can climate funds learn from development and peacebuilding actors?
Access to climate finance is essential for a just and peaceful transition. Of countries most vulnerable to climate change, more than half are also impacted by conflict. Research shows that a very small percentage of climate finance are reaching those conflict affected and fragile states. Even within fragile states, climate finance is more likely to be spent in less fragile areas and often does not reach marginalised groups. Climate finance offers opportunities to increase resilience, reverse environmental decline and build peace. However for climate finance to support peace, it must be sufficient, reach fragile and conflict-affected states and fund projects that are conflict-sensitive and peace-positive. At the moment, it does not. Barriers such as donor risk appetite, state capacity, project compliance and bureaucratic process hinder progress in this space. While there is an increasing awareness within multilateral development banks, climate funds and national governments of these challenges, they are often approached as novel. Yet much can be learnt from the experience of the peacebuilding and development community about managing risk and designing and implementing projects in fragile settings. This panel seeks to discuss what climate funds can learn from development and peacebuilding communities as well as how they can better work together in conflict and fragile affected states to deliver effective climate finance. Speakers: - Diane Myriam A Sheinberg, Peacebuilding Fund Programme Manager, UN- Chris Hodder, Climate Security and Environmental Advisor to Somalia, UNSOM- Karen Meijer, Senior Researcher, Climate Change and Risk Programme, SIPRI- Dethie S. Ndiaye, Country Representative, Burkina Faso Country Office/ Représentant-Résident, Bureau Burkina Faso - Global Green Planning & Implementation – GGP&I- Pia van Ackern, Policy Officer Climate, Peace and Security - German MFA Moderator: Claire McAllister, SIPRIThis webinar is an installment in the series, The Peace Piece: Primers for Peace at COP28, an online briefing series designed to inform policymakers, researchers, and practitioners about opportunities for peace at COP28. To learn more and view the full series, please visit: https://www.ecosystemforpeace.org/cop28.Thursday 16 November14:00-15:00 CETZoomRegistered attendees will receive a zoom link via calendar invitation in advance of the meeting. Please email annika@gpplatform.ch with any questions or concerns.
11/16/2023 1:00 PM
Climate Change webinar by SciMingo for SciComm Academy lunch talk - Navigating tough talks: communicating about climate change and animal research
SciComm Academy lunch talk - Navigating tough talks: communicating about climate change and animal research
Ever felt the struggle of finding the delicate balance between effectively communicating about sensitive or loaded topics while maintaining a nuanced approach? In this webinar, Liesbeth Aerts (Infopunt Proefdieronderzoek, Information Point on Animal Research) and Matthias Meersschaert (Belgian Climate Centre) will share their expertise and experience in effectively communicating about delicate subject like climate change or the use of animals in research. Through an interactive discussion, they will explore the pressures and hesitations scientists face in communicating effectively about similar delicate topics, identify common communication pitfalls, and share strategies to overcome these challenges and enhance engagement!
11/16/2023 11:00 AM
Fire Safety webinar by FireRescue1 for Webinar: How changes in the new NFPA standards for turnout gear and SCBA will affect the fire service
Webinar: How changes in the new NFPA standards for turnout gear and SCBA will affect the fire service
The protective clothing and gear that firefighters wear must meet requirements established by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). This webinar discusses the upcoming standard and changes fire departments will encounter, as well as how they may affect purchase decisions.
11/15/2023 8:00 PM
Environment webinar by Students Against Superbugs Africa for Role of Biocides/Antiseptics on Antimicrobial Resistance
Role of Biocides/Antiseptics on Antimicrobial Resistance
The environment within us has been shown to play a big role in the development and subsequent spread of antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). Biocides such as insecticides, disinfectants and pesticides are chemicals used in medicine, agriculture, and industries to control harmful organisms. However, these chemicals have been attributable to the occurrence of AMR in the environment. How can we regulate the production and monitor the use of these important chemicals for prevention of AMR in the environment? Join us in this upcoming webinar to learn more about the interconnection and regulation of use and production of Biocides for the prevention of AMR in the environment.
11/15/2023 2:00 AM
Environment webinar by INDAIRPOLLNET for COST Policy Launch
COST Policy Launch
Join us for the launch of our new Policy Document on 'Implementing standards for indoor air quality'. We will start with an introduction by Dorota Jarosinska, Program Manager, Living and Working Environments, WHO European Centre for Environment and Health. The new Policy Document will then be introduced by Nicola Carslaw, the Chair of the INDAIRPOLLNET COST Action. We will finish with a Q and A session with a panel composed of the 2 speakers and 3 other report authors (Sofia Sousa, Michael Riediker and Sascha Nehr). 8th of November 2023, 09:00 - 10:00 CET. Sign up using the form below.
11/8/2023 9:00 AM
Fire Safety webinar by North Atlantic Fire Science Exchange for Student Webinar Series
Student Webinar Series
Webinar: Monitoring and predicting conditions that contribute to fire spread are central to both the national fire danger rating system and prescribed fire efforts. In forests, fine scale variation in stand structure and composition can influence microclimate conditions (i.e. understory temperature and relative humidity) and dead fuel moisture. However, these dynamic drivers of fire behavior are difficult to parameterize in predictive models due to their high spatial and temporal variability. In this study, we used terrestrial laser scanning, field-based climate data loggers, fuel moisture sticks, and forest inventory measurements to better understand the relationship between forest structure, microclimate, and dead fuel moisture in two managed northern conifer forests in Maine and New Hampshire. This research enhances northeastern fire managers’ ability to plan and implement fuel treatments by highlighting how changes in forest stand structure drive fine scale heterogeneity in fuel moisture and fire behavior.

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