Ecosystem Marketplace, an initiative of Forest Trends

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Ecosystem Marketplace, an initiative of Forest Trends, is a leading source of news, data, and analytics on markets and payments for ecosystem services (such as carbon, water, and biodiversity).



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New EM Insights Briefing: State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2023
You’re invited to join the virtual launch event of Ecosystem Marketplace’s latest report, State of Voluntary Carbon Markets 2023, on November 28 at 10:00 am ET / 1500 GMT+1. In the lead-up to COP28, Ecosystem Marketplace is excited to publish its flagship report covering the latest prices, trends, and insights related to international voluntary carbon markets. During this webinar on Tuesday, November 28 @ 10 am ET / 1500 GMT+1, EM will present the key findings from its new report and guest speakers will share their reflections on the analysis, followed by Q&A. Register here:
11/28/2023 3:00 PM