Vermont’s Climate Progress: What’s Happening, What’s Not, What’s Needed

Environment11/20/2023 5:00 PM

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Each year Energy Action Network’s Annual Progress Report for Vermont on Emissions, Energy, Equity, and the Economy provides an in-depth analysis of where Vermont stands relative to its climate requirements and broader equity, adaptation and resilience commitments. Join us from an overview from EAN Executive Director Jared Duval about the latest analysis of the state of Vermont’s emissions and energy usage and how this is affecting our economy and equity for Vermonters. Then, hear high-level updates from a few partners on several key policy priorities anticipated to advance in the 2024 legislative session, including efforts to modernize Vermont’s Renewable Energy Standard, holding big oil accountable to help pay for growing climate-induced disasters and a significant, multi-pronged package of critical resilience and adaptation solutions.


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Vermont Natural Resources Council

Vermont Natural Resources Council

Through research, education, collaboration and advocacy, VNRC protects and enhances Vermont’s natural environments, vibrant communities, productive working landscapes, rural character and unique sense of place, and prepares the state for future challenges and opportunities.