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Industry > Farming and Agriculture webinar by Cannon River Watershed Joint Powers Organization for Park the Plow: Benefits of a No-Till November
Park the Plow: Benefits of a No-Till November
Join the Cannon River Watershed Joint Powers Organization as they host the second session of the virtual learning series “Land to Lake Lectures”. During the second webinar “Park the Plow: Benefits of a No-till November,” attendees will learn about the benefits of no-till farming, cover crops, and other conservation practices. These types of conservation practices can have a huge impact on the local water quality of our rivers, lakes, and streams. Rice County farmer Tim Little will share how he switched from conventional farming to conservation farming. Cost-share funding opportunities available for no-till and other conservation practices will also be discussed. This series is offered in collaboration with the University of Minnesota-Extension.
Environment webinar by Vermont Natural Resources Council for Vermont’s Climate Progress: What’s Happening, What’s Not, What’s Needed
Vermont’s Climate Progress: What’s Happening, What’s Not, What’s Needed
Each year Energy Action Network’s Annual Progress Report for Vermont on Emissions, Energy, Equity, and the Economy provides an in-depth analysis of where Vermont stands relative to its climate requirements and broader equity, adaptation and resilience commitments. Join us from an overview from EAN Executive Director Jared Duval about the latest analysis of the state of Vermont’s emissions and energy usage and how this is affecting our economy and equity for Vermonters. Then, hear high-level updates from a few partners on several key policy priorities anticipated to advance in the 2024 legislative session, including efforts to modernize Vermont’s Renewable Energy Standard, holding big oil accountable to help pay for growing climate-induced disasters and a significant, multi-pronged package of critical resilience and adaptation solutions.
11/20/2023 5:00 PM
Technology > Cloud webinar by Lacework for Navigating the Cloud Attack Landscape: 2023 Trends, Techniques, and Tactics
Navigating the Cloud Attack Landscape: 2023 Trends, Techniques, and Tactics
In an era where the cloud represents both innovation and risk, understanding the ever-evolving threat landscape has never been more vital. This expert session, led by Jose Hernandez from the esteemed Lacework Labs team, offers a deep dive into 2023's most pressing cloud security attack trends and techniques that aim to empower your organization with actionable insights, tangible metrics, and robust strategies to fend off sophisticated threats in the cloud. Kubernetes Attacks and Abuses: Explore the rise in Kubernetes-related vulnerabilities and the alarming surge in administrative plane abuses and attacks. Zenbleed Impact: Understand the profound impact of Zenbleed vulnerability on cloud providers and discover Lacework's proactive approach to mitigating its risks. Cloud Supply Chain Attacks: Delve into the intricacies of the JumpCloud APT case, extracting lessons on cloud supply chain attacks and their far-reaching implications. Deciphering CloudWizard APT: Analyze the evolution of the CloudWizard threat, spotlighting its innovative use of mainstream platforms like OneDrive, Dropbox, and Google Drive as command and control channels. Whether you're a seasoned security professional or just starting your journey, this session is tailored to provide valuable knowledge in safeguarding against a new age of threats. Join us as we explore the rapidly changing world of cloud security and provide valuable insights, tools, and strategies to safeguard your organization against an increasingly sophisticated array of threats.
11/20/2023 4:00 PM
Healthcare > Vaccines webinar by PPD Inc for Vaccine Clinical Development: Key Ingredients to Improve Efficiency
Vaccine Clinical Development: Key Ingredients to Improve Efficiency
The development of effective vaccines is among the greatest advancements in public health to combat infectious diseases. It is a complex multi-year and multi-stakeholder process that requires well-designed strategy, partnership, and preparedness among the clinical, operational, and laboratory experts. In this webinar, hear from experts on the importance of having an integrated approach among the clinical and laboratory teams well before the protocol development and how robust laboratory and IT capabilities along with innovative automation help improve the efficiency of vaccine development.
by PPD Inc
11/20/2023 3:00 PM
Public Sector > Government webinar by IEMed for Regional Consequences of the Middle East Conflict
Regional Consequences of the Middle East Conflict
Maha Yahya, director, Malcom H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center, Beirut Maria Luisa Fantappiè, head of the Mediterranean, Middle East and Africa Program, Istituto Affari Facilitated by: Senén Florensa, executive president, IEMed
by IEMed
11/20/2023 11:00 AM
Public Sector webinar by ADR Board NLSIU, Bengaluru for Panel Discussion on the Mediation Act 2023
Panel Discussion on the Mediation Act 2023
Join us for a panel discussion on the Mediation Act 2023. Learn about the latest developments in mediation and how it can benefit you. The webinar will take place on Nov 19, 2023 at 05:30 AM UTC.
11/19/2023 5:30 AM
Personal & Lifestyle > Philosophy webinar by Plato's Academy Centre for The Art of Dying: Philosophy and Death
The Art of Dying: Philosophy and Death
What can ancient philosophy and modern psychology tell us about facing our own mortality and the problem of death in general? Join us for a virtual symposium as leading authors and compassionate psychotherapists guide you through a transformative experience, offering wisdom for the graceful acceptance of mortality.
11/18/2023 5:00 PM
Business > Accounting webinar by BondsIndia for Save Capital Gains Tax
Save Capital Gains Tax
An opportunity to save tax imposed on sale of Land and Building with professionals from IRFC, Cleartax and BondsIndia.
11/17/2023 9:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by PPD Inc for Osmolality Analysis in Bioprocessing: From Theory to Practice
Osmolality Analysis in Bioprocessing: From Theory to Practice
Discover an informative webinar exploring the impact of osmolality in bioprocessing and in correlation with immunoglobulin G (IgG) production. Osmolality is described as the measurement of the contribution of all the dissolved solutes to the osmotic pressure of a solution. In biopharma, osmolality is usually used as a critical quality control check for cell culture media, buffers, and formulated drug products. It is also used as a critical process parameter during upstream cell culture and downstream filtration.The Cell Technology group at the National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training (NIBRT) focuses on the development of bioprocesses using mammalian cells to produce recombinant proteins, monoclonal antibodies, and viral vaccines. There is also a particular interest in the bioprocess conditions that can be used to control the biochemical structure and the post-translational modifications of glycoproteins and hence the quality of biopharmaceuticals.Osmolality is routinely used in the Cell Technology group as a QC tool, similar to the routine application in the biopharma industry. However, osmolality is applied as an experimental measurement to correlate with IgG production, nutrient depletion studies, and bioprocessing applications.In this webinar, the featured speaker will describe the impact of osmolality assessment in correlation with IgG production when examining the effect of plant protein hydrolysates as additives, in a media development project. When examining the effect of changing media composition to affect IgG glycosylation, osmolality was tracked and correlated with growth and productivity.In the investigation into the recoverability of cells at various stages of nutrient depletion, osmolality measurements were utilized to correlate the suitability of culture conditions in 're-fed' media, vs. controls of complete media. These preliminary investigations are in the process of being scaled up to the bioreactor level (bench scale) where osmolality validation will be used on samples taken in at-line process analytical technology (PAT) instrumentation development.Join this webinar to gain insights into osmolality in correlation with IgG production in a media development project.
by PPD Inc
11/17/2023 4:00 PM
Healthcare webinar by Students Against Superbugs Africa for Harnessing Simple Project Management Skills for Effective Youth Engagement in Antimicrobial Resistance
Harnessing Simple Project Management Skills for Effective Youth Engagement in Antimicrobial Resistance
Hi there, welcome and thank you for considering to register for this webinar! World AMR Awareness week will be celebrated this year from 18th - 24th November as it happens every year. Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), named as one of the top 10 global health threats by World Health Organization occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites no longer respond to antimicrobial agents. As a result of drug resistance, antibiotics and other antimicrobial agents become ineffective and infections become difficult or impossible to treat, increasing the risk of disease spread, severe illness and death. This webinar is being held as a curtain-raise and to usher our youth to World AMR Awareness Week. We appreciate and highly recognize all the great efforts, and initiatives you have prepared for the week, and we organized this webinar as part of a webinar series to help you implement the initiatives effectively, and in best practice to ensure optimal impact and for your growth too. We will learn more about basics of project management, and how to embrace skills such as; effective planning, efficient implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and project dissemination. Our esteemed guest speaker will be Mimi MELLES-BREWER, Technical Officer, Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) AMR Awareness, and Campaigns at World Health Organization Headquarters, who has vast experience and deep expertise in engaging with the youth. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you in the webinar! Please share with colleagues too!
11/17/2023 3:00 PM