Weather Routing for Safety and Performance Optimization

Industry11/30/2023 9:00 AM

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Our presentation will focus on our Weather Routing module, part of the fully integrated Ascenz Marorka’ shipping optimization digital platform. Our Weather Routing module is coming along with a team of seasoned mariners, data analysts & engineers based in the Real-Time Fleet Performance Monitoring Centre near Paris and aiming to revolutionize the way you manage your fleet’s vessels. This webinar session should be of great interest for Technical managers, Performance managers, Environmental managers, Superintendents, Captains & Officers to enhance ship’s performance by digitalization on the way to net zero emissions.


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Ascenz Marorka

Ascenz Marorka

Ascenz Marorka is a trusted partner for vessel performance optimization and emissions reduction. With over 30 years of experience, they provide comprehensive solutions for the maritime industry, including vessel performance management, fuel consumption monitoring, advanced weather routing, LNG cargo and fuel management. Their innovative and customizable solutions help ship owners and charterers reduce costs, improve fleet environmental efficiency, increase transparency, and enhance safety. Ascenz Marorka combines expertise in vessel performance, weather routing, sensors, and LNG to deliver turnkey solutions for a more sustainable world.