Cybersecurity Webinars

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Previous Webinars

Technology > Cybersecurity webinar by Shift Technology for Fighting Digital Insurance Fraud across the Policy Lifecycle
Fighting Digital Insurance Fraud across the Policy Lifecycle
Join our industry experts to gain valuable perspectives on the latest trends that underwriting and claims leaders should be vigilant about within their portfolios. Discover how advanced AI is spearheading the battle against intricate forms of digital fraud and identify strategic starting points for insurers aiming to stay ahead of the curve.Panelists: Aditi Saraf - Senior Product Manager, Shift TechnologyJames Tesdall - Underwriting Subject Matter Expert, Shift TechnologyGrady Behrens - Product Marketing Director, Shift Technology
2/28/2024 6:00 PM
Technology > Cybersecurity webinar by ThreatQuotient for Bolster your security operations with invaluable insights into APAC threats
Bolster your security operations with invaluable insights into APAC threats
Join TeamT5 and ThreatQuotient in this upcoming webinar to proactively protect organizations by bringing better situational awareness of attackers and their motivations. TeamT5 offers a diverse range of Asia-Pacific APT intelligence, presented in multiple formats and enhanced with ThreatVision's latest vulnerability features. The integration of TeamT5's ThreatVision with the ThreatQ Threat Intelligence Platform brings an unprecedented level of threat intelligence. Empowered with continuous prioritization based on their organization's unique risk profile, security teams can focus resources on the most relevant threats and collaboratively investigate and respond with the aim of taking the right actions faster.
2/22/2024 5:00 PM
Technology > Cybersecurity webinar by CloudDefense.AI for Safeguarding Applications against Cybersecurity Threats with AI Technologies
Safeguarding Applications against Cybersecurity Threats with AI Technologies
Join us for an insightful and forward-thinking webinar on "Safeguarding Applications against Cybersecurity Threats with AI Technologies." Explore the latest advancements in AI technology and its transformative impact on cloud and application security. Learn from industry experts, including Anshu Bansal and Peter Howells, on cutting-edge AI in cloud security, application security innovations, real-world insights, and more. Register now to secure your spot and be part of the conversation that shapes the future of cybersecurity!
2/22/2024 5:30 AM
Technology > Cybersecurity webinar by ENow Software for Identify and Fix Application Security Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Entra ID
Identify and Fix Application Security Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Entra ID
Are you an Identity administrator responsible for Entra ID? A security analyst looking after application security? Or perhaps an infrastructure consultant/engineer responsible for your organization's solutions? Join us as we explore the top 5 risks associated with application security in Entra ID, including injection attacks, broken authentication and session management, sensitive data exposure, security misconfiguration, and insufficient logging and monitoring. By the end of this session, you'll have a better understanding of the importance and benefits of application security and be able to identify challenges and capitalize on opportunities for improvement.
1/31/2024 6:00 PM
Technology > Cybersecurity webinar by ESET Digital Security for Strategic Cybersecurity: Ransomware Resilience with Software-Hardware Solutions
Strategic Cybersecurity: Ransomware Resilience with Software-Hardware Solutions
Cybercriminals have shown remarkable adaptability and unrelenting determination to circumvent stricter security policies. Developments with predatory lending, cryptocurrency threats, and Emotet campaigns are just a few trends that ESET research has observed. To face these ever-evolving cyber-attacks, staying ahead of the curve is essential. Join us for an engaging and informative webinar where we delve into the evolving landscape of ransomware attacks and the groundbreaking collaboration between software and hardware to bolster cybersecurity defenses. In this session, Tony Anscombe, Chief Security Evangelist at ESET, and Rahul Ghosh, Senior Architect at Intel, will explore critical aspects of ransomware, threat sophistication, and the impact of hardware-assisted security solutions. Here's what we'll discuss: The current state of the threat landscape Evolution of threat detection and prevention Strengthening security solutions with a unified hardware-software strategy Register now to reserve your spot in this essential cybersecurity discussion.
1/25/2024 6:00 PM
Technology > Cybersecurity webinar by BioT for Adapting to FDA’s 2023 Cybersecurity Guidelines: Cloud and Device Strategies
Adapting to FDA’s 2023 Cybersecurity Guidelines: Cloud and Device Strategies
Discover an informative webinar decoding The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) 2023 guidelines about the cloud and medical device cybersecurity landscape. Medical device cybersecurity has undergone a game-changing transformation with The FDA’s updated 2023 guidelines, seamlessly integrating both medical device and cloud computing aspects. In this webinar, specifically designed for research and development (R&D), cyber and development, security and operations (DevSecOps) professionals building and maintaining medical devices, BioT, Sternum and Arnall Golden Gregory will unravel these pivotal updates. The expert panel will dissect the intricacies of the new guidelines, focusing on the dual importance of device security and cloud-based data management. The webinar will explore key areas such as threat modeling for interconnected devices, cybersecurity risk assessment in cloud environments, interoperability considerations, management of third-party software components and the development of comprehensive Software Bills of Materials (SBOM). Key discussions will include safeguarding patient data in the cloud, ensuring secure data transmission between devices and cloud platforms, and navigating the broader evolving regulatory framework for cloud-enabled medical devices. Join this insightful webinar to be part of a forward-thinking community eager to master the future of medical device cybersecurity in the cloud era.
by BioT
1/25/2024 5:00 PM
Technology > Cybersecurity webinar by FinTech Magazine for Guardians of Trust: Shielding Customers from Deepfakes & AI Fraud
Guardians of Trust: Shielding Customers from Deepfakes & AI Fraud
In an era of rapidly advancing technology, deepfakes and other advanced forms of fraud have emerged as formidable threats to businesses and their customers. Join us for an insightful webinar, 'Guardians of Trust,' where we will explore the innovative ways in which Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be harnessed to protect your customers and safeguard the trust your brand has built. Our expert panel of speakers will share their insights on the current and future threats and provide guidance on how to protect your business and customers.
1/25/2024 3:00 PM
Technology > Cybersecurity webinar by Delinea for The Art of Privilege Escalation - How Hackers Become Admins
The Art of Privilege Escalation - How Hackers Become Admins
Privilege escalation is a cybercriminal's stealth weapon, often undetected but devastating. It starts small, with standard user accounts, and quietly amplifies to root-level control, leaving your sensitive data exposed and vulnerable. Join our enlightening webinar to transform your approach to cybersecurity. Unlock the Enemy's Playbook: Understand how attackers skillfully elevate privileges from standard user accounts to top-level administrative control. Tool Mastery: Get hands-on with advanced tools designed to detect and block privilege escalation attempts. Strategy Crafting: Develop robust strategies to fortify your defenses against the risks of escalated access. Be part of this eye-opening session and arm yourself with the knowledge and tactics to protect your organization against sophisticated cyber threats.
by Delinea
1/23/2024 4:00 PM
Technology > Cybersecurity webinar by Veeam for Secure & resilient hybrid-cloud data protection w/ Wasabi, Veeam & Pure Storage
Secure & resilient hybrid-cloud data protection w/ Wasabi, Veeam & Pure Storage
The 3-2-1 rule with the addition of immutability and air gap is a well-known blueprint for modern data protection. Join this webinar to learn from industry experts why this model is so important and more importantly, how Wasabi, Veeam, and Pure work together to enable this as a best practice with Veeam modern data protection, Pure storage’s fast resilient storage, and unlimited, immutability with Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage.
by Veeam
1/18/2024 4:00 PM
Technology > Cybersecurity webinar by Akamai for Data Center Modernization for Better Cost Efficiency
Data Center Modernization for Better Cost Efficiency
Dive deep into the realm of data center modernization, focusing on the transition from traditional on-premise web security and DDoS protection to more advanced, cloud-based platforms. This shift away from older hardware models, like F5 and Arbor, marks a significant move towards a more efficient and scalable infrastructure. Explore the benefits of a software-driven approach that transcends the limitations of traditional firewalls and Secure Web Gateways. Key features such as enhanced scalability, improved threat detection, and flexible access management for mobile users will be highlighted, showcasing how these capabilities can strengthen your data center. Discover strategies for optimizing network efficiency. The focus will be on reducing reliance on traditional VPNs, thereby enhancing digital workspace agility. We'll examine how this modern approach to network management not only streamlines operations but also significantly boosts performance, especially in off-corporate scenarios.
by Akamai
1/18/2024 4:00 PM

Why Cybersecurity webinars?

Cybersecurity webinars are transforming the landscape of digital safety education, providing an accessible platform for professionals and enthusiasts alike to deepen their understanding of protecting digital assets. Have you explored this dynamic learning avenue yet? By integrating cybersecurity webinars into your professional growth plan, you access a vast repository of knowledge covering everything from basic cyber hygiene practices to advanced threat intelligence strategies, all without stepping out of your home or office.

These webinars are more than just educational tools; they offer a unique opportunity to connect with leading experts and fellow participants globally, fostering a community of shared learning and networking. Whether you're aiming to enhance your cybersecurity skills, keep up with the rapidly changing technology landscape, or expand your professional network, cybersecurity webinars stand out as an essential resource.

Explore our other webinars and start your journey to success. For instance, check educational webinars today.

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