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CPH Webinar Wednesdays - The Role of Cultural Competence & Cultural Humility in the LGBTQ+ Population for Public Health Professionals
People who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and more (LGBTQ+) experience unique forms of discrimination and stigma that have significant consequences across various dimensions of health. These healthcare disparities increase the risk for several chronic illnesses and may further feelings of mistrust and disengagement from health care professionals, who often contribute to these instances of stigma. Public health professionals who are equipped with the requisite knowledge, competency, and cultural humility are better able to serve the LGBTQ+ populations, as well as update and change professional practices to improve the quality of care and service being offered. This webinar will review key ways in which developing and strengthening both cultural competence and cultural humility pertaining to LGBTQ+ people is a key aspect of evidence-based public health practice, as well as important resources that exist that can be helpful tools to help professionals engage with this population.
6/12/2024 7:00 PM
CPH Webinar Wednesdays - Public Health Leadership in Remote and Low Resource Settings: Increasing Capacity for Health Promotion
How do you lead a team with several vacancies and a high turnover rate? How do you manage TB outbreaks without TB physicians and nurses? How can you increase the capacity of local indigenous Inuit to manage and contain outbreaks of TB? It is said everything rises and falls on leadership. Come and find out how public health leadership can increase capacity for great outcomes in low-resource settings.
5/8/2024 7:00 PM
CPH Webinar Wednesday - Public Health Microbiology in the 21th Century Under the Landscape of Changing Climate
Presented by Dr. Aliyar Fouladkhah Bacterial pathogens have unique and efficient capabilities for moving towards diversity and fitness through various mechanisms such as vertical and horizontal gene transfer mechanisms and quorum sensing. Expansion in global travel and commerce, changes in production and processing of commodities, consumers' demand for minimally process products, and growth of the at-risk portion of populations are breeding grounds for novel, emerging, and re-emerging bacterial infectious diseases. Global warming due to the anthropogenic emission of greenhouse gases is further fueling these national and global challenges, as minor changes in environmental temperature have pronounced and appreciable effects on bacterial fate and proliferation. Current presentation will discuss impact of climate changes in various regions of the world and further articulates the expected changes associated with public health microbiology, water safety, and microbial food safety, food security.
4/10/2024 7:00 PM
CPH Webinar Wednesday - Science to Advance Social Change via a Punk Rock Ethos
Advancing health and equity doesn’t need to require a lot of expertise, but leaning into past education, lived experiences, observations, and the desire to be of service for your immediate community - while thinking globally.
3/13/2024 7:00 PM
CPH Webinar Wednesdays - Candida Auris: The Emerging Threat
Presented by Douglas Austin Initially discovered in a Japanese man's ear in 2009, Candia auris has spread globally since then and has become a pathogen of concern. If invasive, this highly drug-resistant super fungus has a mortality rate of up to 34% and can quickly colonize patients throughout a facility. What can we do to tackle this emerging issue? This webinar discusses what Candida auris is, what we know about its transmission and the effect it has on hospitals and long-term care facilities.
2/14/2024 8:00 PM

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