CPH Webinar Wednesdays - The Role of Cultural Competence & Cultural Humility in the LGBTQ+ Population for Public Health Professionals

Healthcare6/12/2024 7:00 PM

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Explore cultural humility in public health for LGBTQ+ populations with NBPHE. Learn more on WebinarCafe

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People who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and more (LGBTQ+) experience unique forms of discrimination and stigma that have significant consequences across various dimensions of health. These healthcare disparities increase the risk for several chronic illnesses and may further feelings of mistrust and disengagement from health care professionals, who often contribute to these instances of stigma. Public health professionals who are equipped with the requisite knowledge, competency, and cultural humility are better able to serve the LGBTQ+ populations, as well as update and change professional practices to improve the quality of care and service being offered. This webinar will review key ways in which developing and strengthening both cultural competence and cultural humility pertaining to LGBTQ+ people is a key aspect of evidence-based public health practice, as well as important resources that exist that can be helpful tools to help professionals engage with this population.


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