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Zscaler is a cybersecurity and zero trust leader. They provide solutions to prevent cyber threats and data loss while offering fast, reliable zero trust connectivity to applications from anywhere. Their platform, the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange, offers holistic cyberthreat protection, data protection, zero trust connectivity, and digital experience management. Zscaler is trusted by Forbes Global 2000 companies and is recognized as a leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Security Service Edge (SSE).



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Zero trust, untangled: A manager’s guide
Zero trust concepts are often muddied by misconceptions and industry jargon that can stump even the most senior security practitioners. This webinar will untangle the intricate facets of zero trust to help organizations advance and optimize their programs. Talking points include: The biggest misconceptions around zero trust and how to gain a clearer focus, How zero trust has evolved in recent years, and how to make the most of those advancements, How security managers can better communicate the intricacies and best practices across their organization. Join us as we unravel the complexities and illuminate the strategic implications of zero trust architecture in modern cybersecurity frameworks.
3/20/2024 6:00 PM
Zero Trust Connectivity for All Users Without Compromising Digital Experience
85% of IT leaders say hybrid work is here to stay. However, overextended infrastructure has led to security gaps, leaving 73% of surveyed executives concerned about security risk. Further, this technical debt has greatly impacted digital experience and employee productivity, leading to a 35% increase in support tickets. Networking teams are under pressure to enforce consistent, secure access while providing performance and reliability that promote employee productivity from all locations. Join us for a live webinar to see how you can: Enforce secure app access by connecting remote and in-office users directly to any app while eliminating traffic backhaul, and reducing latency. Rapidly detect and fix issues impacting end-user experience and employee productivity with end-to-end visibility across networks, devices, and apps. Increase operational efficiency and reduce costs by replacing legacy VPNs, firewalls, and monitoring tools with a consolidated cloud-native solution.
3/13/2024 4:30 AM
Leverage Zero Trust Security to Minimize your Attack Surface
Firewalls and VPNs are no longer enough. Explore Zero Trust Security to protect your data. Join our insightful webinar with Zscaler to learn how to tackle an ever-evolving attack surface. Traditional castle-and-moat-based security architectures are ineffective at protecting enterprises against today’s sophisticated attacks, which increasingly leverage AI and as-a-service models to maximize speed and damage. Threat actors increasingly exploit the vulnerabilities stemming from software and infrastructure exposed to the internet. This ironically includes security tools, particularly firewalls and VPNs, which end up giving attackers direct network access to execute their attacks. Zero trust security is the best way to minimize your attack surface, prevent compromise, eliminate lateral movement, and stop data loss. Join Apoorva Ravikrishnan, Senior Manager of Product Marketing, to learn: The most prominent trends in today’s attack landscape How attackers discover and exploit infrastructure as part of their attack sequence How to leverage zero trust security to minimize your attack surface
1/15/2024 4:00 PM
Why You Need an AI-Powered Zero Trust Security Platform
Both artificial intelligence (AI) and zero trust are terms that have been both overused and misused countless times, leading many to see them as nothing more than hollow buzzwords. But this misappropriation bears witness to the fact that each is actually of significant value to modern organizations. In particular, the combination of the two is indispensable when it comes to cybersecurity. As the One True Zero Trust Platform, Zscaler is at the forefront of driving AI innovation in the security space. That is why AI is at the core of our platform and the various solutions we provide. As a result, customers experience superior security, automation, and efficiency. Join this webinar to learn: - What zero trust architecture is and how it differs from traditional, perimeter-based security architectures - Why the combination of zero trust and AI powers a more secure, more productive enterprise - How the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange is uniquely positioned to maximize the benefits of AI - How AI helps equip Zscaler customers with superior threat protection, data protection, digital experience monitoring, and more
11/30/2023 7:00 PM