Zero Trust Connectivity for All Users Without Compromising Digital Experience

Business > Information Technology (IT)3/13/2024 4:30 AM

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85% of IT leaders say hybrid work is here to stay. However, overextended infrastructure has led to security gaps, leaving 73% of surveyed executives concerned about security risk. Further, this technical debt has greatly impacted digital experience and employee productivity, leading to a 35% increase in support tickets. Networking teams are under pressure to enforce consistent, secure access while providing performance and reliability that promote employee productivity from all locations. Join us for a live webinar to see how you can: Enforce secure app access by connecting remote and in-office users directly to any app while eliminating traffic backhaul, and reducing latency. Rapidly detect and fix issues impacting end-user experience and employee productivity with end-to-end visibility across networks, devices, and apps. Increase operational efficiency and reduce costs by replacing legacy VPNs, firewalls, and monitoring tools with a consolidated cloud-native solution.


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Zscaler is a cybersecurity and zero trust leader. They provide solutions to prevent cyber threats and data loss while offering fast, reliable zero trust connectivity to applications from anywhere. Their platform, the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange, offers holistic cyberthreat protection, data protection, zero trust connectivity, and digital experience management. Zscaler is trusted by Forbes Global 2000 companies and is recognized as a leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Security Service Edge (SSE).