The Main Street Growth Act: Empowering Black Entrepreneurs

Business > Entrepreneurship12/13/2023 9:00 PM

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Increasing Minority Access to Capital. By increasing minority access to capital markets, we can create unprecedented wealth in communities that have historically not had access to capital. In this webinar, you will learn about the next phase of the civil rights movement: the economic empowerment movement of not only American minorities, but everyone who has not historically had access to build generational wealth. The Main Street Growth Act represents a significant milestone in financial legislation, ushering in a new era for smaller companies seeking access to capital. This groundbreaking initiative introduces the concept of venture exchanges, designed to provide open access to liquidity in the private marketplace. The act established a fresh layer of oversight for the issuance and trading of small company stock, mirroring the process applied to large company stock on the current exchanges. The Dream Exchange is in the business of disrupting the status quo by helping to support small business owners and their ability to access early-stage investors and liquidity.


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Dream Exchange

Dream Exchange

Dream Exchange is preparing to open a national market system stock exchange and a venture stock exchange. As the first minority-governed and owned company to operate an exchange in US history, we are dedicated to transforming dreams into capital. By expanding access to a purpose-driven capital market, we instill trust, humanity, and fairness into finance. Our mission is to create a more diverse, accessible, and welcoming stock market for people from every sector of society.