The Future of Healthcare Liability: Healthcare Pipeline and Workforce Changes After Students for Fair Admissions v Harvard

Business > Legal8/23/2023 2:00 PM

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In June 2023, the Supreme Court ruled to end affirmative action programs in college admissions. This ruling is likely to exacerbate an already unstable health care workforce pipeline that has been devastated by the COVID-19 public health emergency. The audience will hear from speakers on all sides of the issue, an educator who is also a representative of an organization that is part of the pipeline, a health care attorney, and an employment lawyer. The webinar will discuss the likely future impacts of the decision, and challenges and opportunities for growth for health care clients navigating this new landscape.


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AHLA, the American Health Law Association, is a community of health lawyers and professionals in the health care industry. They provide resources, education, and support to navigate the ever-changing landscape of health law. AHLA offers networking opportunities, educational programs, and career resources to help members gain credibility, accelerate their careers, and stay up to date on essential health law issues.