Essential Assessment

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A best practice Numeracy and Literacy whole school improvement model aligned to the Australian Curriculum Version 8.4 and 9.0, Victorian Curriculum F-10A, current NSW Syllabus and new K-10 Syllabus. Make formative and summative assessment an easy process aligning to each school’s teaching and learning program through structured diagnostic assessment and differentiated curriculum. Support data driven teaching and instructional leadership by providing curriculum aligned data to plan and monitor growth. We differentiate to the needs of each student through providing ongoing personalised assessment and curriculum to grow their knowledge from current understandings. A trusted assessment and curriculum partner to over 2800 satisfied schools around Australia!



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Previous Webinars

Explicit Instruction Made Easy Using My Literacy
The Literacy assessment data from EA provides an excellent opportunity for teachers to target specific learning goals in both Reading and Writing. My Literacy tasks and worksheets offer a valuable starting point for explicit instruction. This webinar will unpack how to utilise texts created by EA to create short, sharp, skill-building sequences to enhance student knowledge and provide formative assessment data.Hosted by Jacqueline Clark and Jacinta Browning - Teaching and Learning Team.REGISTER USING YOUR SCHOOL EMAIL ADDRESS | VIEW WEBINARS ON-DEMAND at
9/3/2024 5:45 AM
Supporting Diverse Learners Using Essential Assessment
A wide variability of learners in the classroom is sometimes difficult to support. This webinar is designed for teachers of students who may have all their students on individual learning plans, as well as for teachers who wish to learn handy tips and tricks for using EA to differentiate with ease.REGISTER USING YOUR SCHOOL EMAIL ADDRESS | VIEW WEBINARS ON-DEMAND at Jacqueline Clark and Jacinta Browning (Teaching and Learning Team).
7/25/2024 5:45 AM