The Emotionally Strong Leader Workshop

Business > Management and Leadership10/3/2024 1:00 PM

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Addressing the feelings of others in the workplace can be a terrifying proposition. For many leaders, asking what lies behind the actions and reactions of their people is akin to opening Pandora’s box. They don’t want to find out what’s lurking inside. Many managers don’t know how to deal with — and they fear — their employees’ emotions.

Leaders of these organizations have good reason to be scared. After all, few of us know how to handle emotions (let alone handle them at work). Many of us have not learned how to tend to our feelings and those of others. So isn’t it better to sweep all those pesky emotions under the rug and carry on as if they don’t exist? The answer is an unequivocal no!

Instead of spending time and money dealing with inappropriate behaviors and disrespectful communications stemming from emotional issues in your workplace, address those issues directly by dealing with your feelings and the feelings of your people head-on.

In this session, you will learn the emotional skills and mental strategies needed to be stronger and more intelligent than your feelings and help others learn to explore their emotions. Emotions should not be feared but celebrated. A wealth of amazing possibilities are available if we learn to harness the superpower of our feelings.

Learning Objectives

  • Discover the systemic problems with ignoring emotions in the workplace

  • Learn why emotions matter and reduce the fear of tending to them at work

  • Identify the emotional skills and mental strategies to be stronger than your feelings

  • Gain a deeper awareness of your emotional makeup and how that helps and hurts your leadership effectiveness

Speaker: Carolyn Stern - President, El Experience.


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