Brain Changes in Students after the Pandemic

Education9/12/2024 7:00 PM

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The Root Cause of Post-Pandemic School Challenges: Student Brains Have Changed! 

Low academic performance. Unprecedented behavior challenges. Teacher frustration and high attrition. These are realities for many schools across the country. Researchers explored data on how students think and learn from before, during, and after the Pandemic to understand why students and educators are experiencing these challenges. 

Data from 40,000 students shows there are dramatic declines in some skills, most notably memory (remembering what you learned so you can use it later) and flexible thinking (how you take feedback and adapt to it). These findings suggest there can be very impactful instructional changes that will help instruction.

The webinars will be interactive group meetings with plenty of time for Q&A, discussion, and sharing of best practices. Webinar content will be the same for each session.

Select the Webinar that works for you!

Please join us for an interactive discussion on the day and time that works best for your schedule. Click the button below to register! 

RSVP for Thursday, September 12 3:00pm ET

RSVP for Tuesday, September 17 6:00pm ET

Webinar participants will:

  • Understand the impact of the pandemic on cognitive skills & learning;

  • Access resources to support teaching/learning & achievement goals;

  • Discuss, Share and Problem Solve as a group.


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