Demystifying the Colonoscopy Process

Healthcare8/8/2024 10:00 PM

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People with CF and carriers have higher rates of colon cancer than the general population. Colonoscopy screenings are the #1 way to prevent colon cancer. Join Jeffrey King, MD, gastroenterologist at National Jewish Health, for a candid conversation about how to prepare for a successful colonoscopy as someone with CF, and what to expect during the procedure. By demystifying the colonoscopy process, it is hoped that more members of the CF community will undergo this potentially life-saving screening.


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Cystic Fibrosis Research Institute

Cystic Fibrosis Research Institute

Cystic Fibrosis Research Institute (CFRI) is a nonprofit organization that funds innovative CF research and offers education, advocacy, and psychosocial support programs to those affected by CF. CFRI seeks to raise CF awareness and advocate on behalf of our national CF community. Our mission is to be a global resource for the cystic fibrosis community while pursuing a cure through research, education, advocacy, and support.