A new regulatory strategy for aged care

Healthcare7/16/2024 4:00 AM

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In preparation for the introduction of the new Aged Care Act and strengthened Quality Standards, this webinar will introduce the Commission’s new draft Regulatory Strategy that describes how we will deliver on our commitment to safeguard and protect older people, and how we hold providers and workers to account. It will advise providers and workers what we expect from them, and how we will engage with them. Importantly, it also tells older people and their families, as well as providers and workers what they can expect from us.


  • Janet Anderson, PSM, Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner

  • Lisa Peterson, PSM, Deputy Commissioner, Sector Capability and Regulatory Strategy, Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

  • Louise Macleod, Complaints Commissioner, Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

  • Peter Edwards, Executive Director, Compliance Management Group, Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

  • Emma Jobson, Executive Director, Regulatory Policy and Intelligence, Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

  • Anthony Speed, Executive Director, Quality Assessment and Monitoring, Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission


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Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

As the national regulator of aged care services, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission protects the health, safety, and wellbeing of older Australians. We work to ensure that older Australians receive quality care and support in aged care facilities. We have a vision to create a safe and inclusive aged care environment where older Australians can live with dignity and receive person-centered care. We provide guidance and support to aged care providers, workers, and older Australians to ensure a high standard of care and quality of life.