How To STOP Accidenting And Start Planning Your Tech

Business > Information Technology (IT)5/29/2024 4:30 PM

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One day you create a spreadsheet, the next you're in charge of all the digital systems. Being an Accidental Techie often feels isolating, overwhelming burden. But it doesn't have to be this way! Join us for a transformative webinar designed specifically for accidental techies eager to transition from ad-hoc problem solvers to focused intention with measurable success. This webinar will not only provide you with actionable strategies but also instill a renewed sense of confidence and ensure your vital contributions are recognized and valued within your organization. Join and see how a quick simple plan can help you go from accidental to authorized techie.

What will I get from this webinar?

  • Clarity: Understand your tech responsibilities and streamline your workflow.

  • Confidence: Learn how to effectively allocate your hours for maximum impact.

  • Free Planning Tool: Simple to use template that turns intent into action.

  • Lower Case Problem Solving: Learn what lower case problems are and why they are your best friend.

  • Expert Insights: Tim Lockie is a speaker, entrepreneur, technologist, nonprofit leader, and has advised thousands of professionals.

  • Mindset: Move past the overwhelm with a few simple variables.


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The Human Stack

Empowering nonprofits with human-centered tech resources and services. Most likely, the problem is not your technology; it's your people!