Alcohol use in older adulthood: Physiological impacts and effective treatment options

Healthcare5/28/2024 3:30 AM

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This webinar will be presented by Associate Professor Louise Mewton (The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use, The University of Sydney). Associate Professor Louise Mewton is a public health researcher with a focus on the epidemiology, assessment, prevention, and treatment of alcohol use and related disorders across the lifespan. She is Program Lead in Lifespan and Brain Health Research at the Matilda Centre, University of Sydney.

This webinar will provide attendees with a practical understanding of:

  • The physiological impacts of alcohol use on older adults

  • The impact of alcohol use on the brain of older adults, including the relationship between alcohol use, cognitive impairment and dementia

  • Effective approaches for treating harmful alcohol use in older adults


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Matilda Centre

Matilda Centre

The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use is a multidisciplinary research centre committed to improving the health and wellbeing of people affected by co-occurring substance use and mental disorders. Our research aims to increase the knowledge base around the effective prevention, early intervention and treatment of mental and substance use disorders. We offer a range of training programs and resources for clinicians, schools and the general public, designed to facilitate knowledge exchange around mental health and substance use.