I'm Pregnant! Everything you need to know.

Education5/22/2024 6:00 PM

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A 45 minute online webinar with 15 minute Q&A for pregnant and expectant teachers from The MTPT Project, the UK's charity for parent-teachers.

We'll share:

  • Information about your legal entitlements as a pregnant or expectant teacher, leader or other colleague working in education

  • The research about the impact of pregnancy and maternity on occupational mobility, including details about qualifying and clawback periods for maternity pay

  • Paperwork that you need to provide for your school, and that they need to provide for you

  • Best practice you can expect or request from your line managers, leaders and teams

  • How (and when) to inform your employer - and your classes!

  • How to deal with sickness and request reasonable adjustments

  • Your entitlements in the event of miscarriage or stillbirth

  • How to request a third trimester meeting and a suggested agenda to discuss

  • Suggested handover procedures

  • How to request a third trimester meeting and a suggested agenda to discuss

  • What to do if you want to stay involved with your school life during your leave

The webinar will be facilitated by Emma Sheppard, Founder of The MTPT Project, and include encouraging case studies from The MTPT Project community.

Our online Eventbrite page includes resources and links referenced in the webinar, as well as recommended reading and listening options.

A recording of the webinar will be made available for all sign ups for two weeks following the event. Please indicate whether you will be joining us live / accessing the recording when you book your ticket.

We understand that your pregnancy / expectancy is a matter of discretion and will not share details of any sign ups beyond the facilitating team. Please anonymise your Zoom screen name when you join us if you would like to protect your identity.

This webinar is part of The MTPT Project's "What to Expect as an Expectant Teacher" series. Join us live or access the recorded versions of the other webinars in the series:


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MTPT | The Maternity Teacher / Paternity Teacher Project

MTPT | The Maternity Teacher / Paternity Teacher Project

The UK’s charity for parent-teachers. Support and entitlements for pregnant and expectant staff. Networking, coaching and professional development during parental leave. Return to work workshops and coaching support. Family- and life-friendly schools. Making teaching a sustainable career choice.