Agency regulation: Where do we go from here?

Education3/14/2024 2:00 PM

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In nearly all the major international education destination countries, the practices and ethics of education agencies are coming under renewed scrutiny, prompting further calls for their regulation and accreditation. In truth, however, this issue has been around for as long as international mobility at scale has been a phenomenon. And the reason nothing has hitherto come of it is that it is a hugely difficult nut to crack. Who’s responsibility is it? Who has jurisdiction and teeth? Will standards be consistent across the industry as a whole? How can standards be monitored on an ongoing basis? And how can the burden on both providers and agents be kept to sensible levels? In this webinar, we will be exploring the challenges that all stakeholders in int’l ed face on this crucial issue. We will consider the responses that are already underway in a number of destinations and whether there is a danger of them pulling in different directions. And, how national efforts need to be co-ordinated for the benefit of the global sector. Our particular theme is how the industry can cooperate to act in concert in the best interests of the sector as a whole. We are joined on the panel by seasoned international education practitioners representing a range of voices in the debate. This webinar is highly topical and will be of value to all stakeholders in international education.


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