Past Research Webinar

Exploring metagenomes to assess microbiomes across the globe

Research2/28/2024 3:30 PM

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Join EMBL-EBI's webinar on metagenomics to discover ecosystem indicators and learn more on WebinarCafe.

Research Webinar Benefits

A metagenome is a sequencing sample of a bulk microbial community, providing a genetic snapshot of the entire microbiome sampled. Metagenomics offers a comprehensive genetic overview of microbial communities, without the limitations of culture-based methods. The introduction of the shotgun method of metagenomics has added the ability to quantify the phylogenetic and functional roles of microbes without primer bias. As sequencing becomes more affordable, shotgun metagenomics is becoming an increasingly popular method for assessing microbiomes.

This webinar will offer a brief introduction to metagenomics and discuss various concepts and methods used in modern metagenomics. Specifically, we will explore topics such as using microbial composition as an indicator of ecosystem state, using functional genes as biosensors, and the insights that can be gleaned from genomic structure.


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EMBL's European Bioinformatics Institute: Big data for the life sciences