February Webinar: The (In)Visibility of Intersex Folx in Sex Ed

Education2/13/2024 6:00 PM

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It is widely unknown that people with differences in sex development (DSD) typically have the worst health outcomes out of the entire LGBTQIA+ community. This is partially due to a lack of visibility in many areas, including sex ed. Join us to hear from Tazmine Weisgerber (she/her)--the Training & Technical Assistance Manager at Answer-- who will discuss the basics of DSD, how visibility for this community can benefit everyone, and how to be intentionally inclusive in your sex education lessons for people of all ages.


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Alabama Campaign for Adolescent Sexual Health

Alabama Campaign for Adolescent Sexual Health

We envision access to comprehensive sexual health for adolescents throughout Alabama and advance our mission to champion healthy adolescent development through medically accurate and equitable sexual health education and services. Read more on our blog.