Digital Capability Framework Webinar for Operational Managers – Uncovering Barriers and Seizing Opportunities | Gweminar Fframwaith Gallu Digidol ar gyfer Rheolwyr Gweithredol — Datgelu Rhwystrau a Manteisio ar Gyfleoedd

Healthcare2/28/2024 1:00 PM

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The aim of this event is to engage with operational line managers (Band 7/8a) to introduce the Digital Capability Framework, its benefits and to identify any barriers and opportunities for implementation. The event is open to both Clinical and Non-Clinical line managers in Health and Social Care in Wales. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nod y digwyddiad hwn yw ymgysylltu â rheolwyr llinell weithredol (Band 7/8a) i gyflwyno'r Fframwaith Gallu Digidol, ei fanteision ac i nodi unrhyw rwystrau a chyfleoedd i'w gweithredu. Mae'r digwyddiad yn agored i reolwyr llinell Glinigol ac Anghlinigol ym maes Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol yng Nghymru.


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Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) is the strategic workforce body for NHS Wales. As a Special Health Authority, we have a unique contribution to make in addressing strategic and specialist workforce issues, making Wales a great place to train and work for our health and care staff and maximizing the contribution of all professions and occupations through our statutory functions.