Past Research Webinar

Updates on Human Abuse Potential Studies: Challenges and Regulatory Guidelines

Research2/28/2024 6:00 PM

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Explore drug abuse insights with Dr. Vince Clinical Research in this informative session. Learn more on WebinarCafe.

Research Webinar Benefits

Discover this groundbreaking webinar delving into the latest insights from the Cross-Company Abuse Liability Council (CCALC) and The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in drug development and clinical evaluation of human drug abuse and dependence potential. This webinar aims to discuss current knowledge and recent updates on the clinical evaluation of the abuse and dependence potential of drugs.


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Dr. Vince Clinical Research

Dr. Vince Clinical Research

Early Phase CRO with services for Phase 1-2a clinical trials operating the most luxurious and technologically advanced Phase 1 unit in the USA.